What Did I Miss? Visualizing the Past through Video Traces M. Nunes, S. Greenberg, S. Carpendale, & C. Gutwin Presented by K. Everitt & T. Kriplean
Saul’s research Phidgets GroupKit Media in the Home GroupKit Telepointers Concurrency control innovative and seminal system designs based on observations of social phenomenon; articulation of design-oriented social science theories, and refinement of evaluation methods. In the timeline paper, saul is clearly building on his past recent work, even at the end mentioning how timeline was integrated with Community Bar (evaluation of which is getting published at the upcoming group conference: http://grouplab.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/papers/2007/07-CBStudy-Romero-Group/abstract.html) Media in the Home
Computer Supported Cooperative Work Single user methods don’t extend to multi-user domains Focus on Workplace activity Understanding nature of collaborative tasks Remote collaboration Early apps CAD, computer integrated manufacturing, computer aided software engineering, office automation
CSCW: Dimensions of Cooperation Location Same Place Different Place Same Time Face to Face conversation Telephone Different Post-it note Letter Time
TIMELINE Video Media Space (VMS) Useful for distributed collaboration Try to recreate effect of co-location Computer support for awareness These technologies often try to recreate face to face Video has ammenities but also problems. Requires full attention Eye gaze Recording What are some of video’s ammenities over our sensory experience of colocation?
Slit Scanning Uses slit-scanning to allow exploration of video traces
Video is high-fidelity sensor information Video is high-fidelity sensor information. To allow effective interactive exploration, it depends on being able to distinguish background from sparse interesting events that can be explored
Timeline “scrubbing” Time travel to points of interest Explore different temporal scales simultaneously “scrubbing” Time travel to points of interest Dynamically change slit
Why the clean image in the “last minute”?
Explore the past in fine-granularity
Activity histories of people “rhythms” For learned prediction of socially-appropriate interruptability
TIMELINE demo http://grouplab.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/papers/2006/06-TimelinesVideo-Nunes-CSCW/06-TimelineVideo-Nunes-CSCW.wmv
Deployment Deployed at open house In research lab Elicited possible uses & abuses of the tech In research lab Experienced first hand uses & abuses
Awareness & privacy Create the technology to spur on debate about the theoretical tension between awareness & privacy Ambiguity & Plausible Deniablity Paper emphasis not on user evaluation, but on spurring debate…our discussion should follow this. Awareness & privacy are major topics within CSCW…
Value of Media Spaces What are they good for? Is it worth it? What kinds of privacy policies might be employed? Reluctance and perception of risk It captures more than you Tacit info becomes explicit Distraction Yet we can control what is captured