International Pyrheliometer Comparison XI September 27 to October 15, 2010
Opening IPC XI Welcome PMOD/WRC Werner Schmutz (Director PMOD/WRC) Welcome WMO Isabelle Rüedi (Senior Scientific Officer) Orientation IPC Wolfgang Finsterle (Chef IPC XI) 27.9.2010 Opening IPC XI
Early Pyrheliometer Comparisons Pyrheliometer Comparisons have been organized and discussed since the existence of the radiation commissions The Radiation Commission of IMO (1896-1946) The Radiation Commission of the IUGG (1924-1948) The International Radiation Commission of IAM/IAMAS/IAMAP - IUGG (1948 - ) 27.9.2010 Early Pyrheliometer Comparisons
Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (ICACGP) Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE) Climate (ICCL) Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) Dynamic Meteorology (ICDM) Meteorology of the Middle Atmosphere (ICMMA) Planetary Atmospheres and their Evolution (ICPAE) Polar Meteorology (ICPM) Ozone (IOC) Radiation (IRC) 27.9.2010 Commissions of IAMAS
Meetings of Radiation Commissions 27.9.2010 Meetings of Radiation Commissions
Pyrheliometer comparisons in Davos 1934 27.9.2010 Pyrheliometer comparisons in Davos 1934
IRC and CIMO-WMO in Davos 1956 27.9.2010 IRC and CIMO-WMO in Davos 1956
Walter Mörikofer and Fritz Möller in Davos 27.9.2010 Walter Mörikofer and Fritz Möller in Davos
Walter Mörikofer, Davos, Switzerland, Director PMOD 27.9.2010 Picture curtsey of Hans Volkert Oxford, UK, July 20, 1959
On the roof of the PMOD, house Dora, Davos Platz 27.9.2010 IPC I 1959
On the roof of the PMOD, house Dora, Davos Platz 27.9.2010 IPC II 1964
1970 creation of the World Radiation Center in Davos, thanks to the excellent world-wide contacts (WMO, IRS and IAMAS) of Mörikofer, former director of PMOD and for many years president of the International Radiation Commission On the roof of the PMOD, house Dora, Davos Platz 27.9.2010 IPC III 1970
IPC IV 1975 On the roof of Thurgauer-Schaffhauser clinic, Davos Platz 27.9.2010 IPC IV 1975
27.9.2010 For the first time in front of the old schoolhouse, Davos Dorf IPC V 1980
27.9.2010 The last comparisons of Claus Fröhlich, director of PMOD/WRC 1975-1999 IPC VIII 1995
International Pyrheliometer Comparisons IPC-X, 2005, Davos 27.9.2010 IPC X 2005
Welcome to the IPC XI at PMOD/WRC! 27.9.2010 Welcome to the IPC XI at PMOD/WRC!