Full-Scale Reservoir Simulation Drilling and Completions Laboratory The Laboratory is a full-scale drilling and completions research and testing facility that simulates downhole pressure conditions. The Laboratory includes a wellbore simulator pressure vessel, a full-scale drill rig and rotary table, a full-scale mud pumping system, mud building and handling facilities, and newly developed system control and data recording and managing capabilities.
Outline Large-Scale Reservoir-Simulated Drilling and Completions Laboratory History TerraTek --> SLB --> move to Houston --> EPI acquiring --> Tie to Univ. of Utah Other laboratories—AMOCO, SLB Cambridge, JNOC, Hughes Details of Equipment Different components Key players--Sid Green, Alan Black, Mike Derr & Jerry Pratt, George Allen Past Work Select list of publications JIP's and Industry/Government Programs Overview of Industry Contributions Innovations for Drilling and Completion Role of drilling fluids / Novel drilling concepts / Improved drill muds / Borehole stability / Screens and gravel packs / Perforating / Sand control / Logging tool development / Packer development / Hydraulic fracturing
Partial List of Equipment Items (about 90 specific items)
Tower and Rotary Table
Wellbore Simulator with Rock Sample and End Closure
Schematic of Wellbore Simulator for Drilling and Completions Testing
Continental Emsco FA 1600 Triplex Mud Pump with DC Motors
High Pressure Fluid Ends 15,000 psi High Pressure Fluid Ends
Mud Tanks and Mud Building and Handling System
Digital Operation, Control, and Data Management System
Rock Sample Coring from Large Block
Selected Past Drilling and Completions Programs Drilling Programs “Program to Determine Factors Affecting Rate of Penetration in Mancos Shale”, 1980-1981 “Program to Determine the Performance of Stratapax™ Drill Bits”, 1981-1983 “Program to Evaluate the Performance of PDC Bits at High-Rotational Speed”, 1983-1984 “Program to Improve the Performance of a PDC Drill Bit for Drilling a Gumbo-Type Shale”, 1984-1985 “Performance of New and Field Worn PDC Drill Bits in Laboratory Drilling Tests”, 1984 “Investigation of Lost Circulation with Oil-Based Muds”, 1985-1988 “Study to Determine the Effects of Formation Dip and Strike on Bit Walk and Hole Deviation While Drilling”, 1988-1992 “Core Fluid Invasion and Damage Studies Under Full-Scale Downhole Conditions”, 1985-1993 “Study of Mud Spurt-Loss for Improved Drilling Performance”, 1991-1994 “Filtration Invasion During Coring and Drilling - Experimental Studies Under Simulated Downhole Conditions”, 1994-1996 “Investigation of Disposal Injection into a Hydraulic Fracture” 1994-1996 “Drilling Plastic Shale at Great Depths - A Study to Improve Penetration Rates with Environmentally Acceptable Drilling Fluids”, 1995-1998 “Ultra Deep Drilling Improvements”, 2003-2007 “New Bit Design Drilling”, 2005-2011 Completions Programs “Stress, Target Size, Borehole Pressure and Other Parameters Affecting Perforation Depth and Performance”, 1986-1990 “An Experimental Investigation of Phenomena Affecting Sand Production in Low-Strength Sandstones”, 1990-1995 “Interpretation of Sand Production from Low Strength Sandstones”, 1995-1996 “Perforation Flow and Clean Up”, 1992-1995 “Maximizing Completions Efficiency through High Overbalance Perforating”, 1994-1996 “Large-Scale Experiments to Validate Open-Hole Completion Stability”, 1996-1998 “Large-scale Expandable Screen Testing and Quality Assurance”, 2002-2004
Selected Publications “Laboratory Testing Downhole Tools”, SPE Petroleum Engineer ,1977 “Drillability of a Sandstone and Dolomite at Simulated Depths”, ASME, 1978 “Laboratory Simulation of Deep Well Drilling”, Petroleum Engineer , 1978 “Development of Improved Rotary Seals for Downhole Motor Geothermal Applications”, GRC, 1978 “Effects of Bit Hydraulics on Full-Scale Laboratory Drilled Shale”, JPT, 1981 “Instrumented Diamond Bit Testing Defines Pressure Drops and Hydraulic Distribution While Drilling at Simulated Depth in Shale”, SPE , 1981 “Effects of Bit Hydraulics on Full-Scale Laboratory Drilled Shale”, SPE 8439, 1982 “Pore Pressure and Mud Filtration Effects on Drilling Rates in a Permeable Sandstone”, JPT , 1985 “New Technology and Tools for the Recovery of Representative Cores from Uncemented Sand Formations”, SPE , 1985 “Effects of Size on Three-cone Bit Performance in Laboratory Drilled Shale”, SPE , 1985 “PDC Bit Performance for Rotary, Mud Motor, and Turbine Drilling Applications”, SPE Drilling Engineering, 1986 “Roller-cone Penetration Rate Response as a Function of Rock Properties and Well Depth”, SPE, 1986 “X-ray CT Observations of Flow Distribution in a Shaped Change Perforation”, SPE 24771, 1992 “Dynamic Spurt-loss Beneath on Oilfield Bit”, SPE/IADC , 1993 “Comparison of Laboratory and Field Data for a PDC Bit”, SPE/IDAC ,1985 “Sand Production Tests Under Simulated Downhole Pressure Conditions Using Shape Change Perforated Well Cores”, SPE 19748,1989
Selected Publications (Continued) “Penetration of Shaped Changes in Stressed Rock”, Intl. Rock Mechanics, 1990 “Theory of Lost Circulation Pressure”, SPE, 1990 “Wear and Performance of Single PDC Cutters Under Simulated Downhole Conditions”, ASME, 1992 “Borehole Breakdown Pressure with Drilling Fluids”, J. Rock Mechanics, 1996 “Laboratory Testing Downhole Tools”, Petroleum Engineering International, 1977 “Laboratory Simulation of Deep Well Drilling”, Petroleum Engineering International, 1978 “Effects of Pore Pressure and Mud Filtration on Drilling Rates in a Permeable Sandstone”, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1985 “PDC Bit Performance for Rotary, Mud Motor, and Turbine Drilling Applications”, SPE Drilling Engr, 1986 “Theory of Lost Circulation Pressure”, SPE 20409, 1990 “Borehole Breakdown Pressure with Drilling Fluids--Empirical Results and Analytical Solution”, Intl. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 1996 “Effect of Concrete and Berea Strengths on Perforator Performance and Resulting Impact on the New API-43”, SPE 18242, 1988 “Effects of Wellbore Pressure on Perforator Penetration Depth”, SPE 18243, 1988 “Single Cutter Impact Tests Investigate Deep-Well Hammer-Drilling Performance”, SPE 97173, 2005 “Benchmark Advanced Diamond Product Drill Bits for Ultra Deep Drilling”, SPE, 2009 “Full-Scale Deep Well Drilling Simulation”, Pet. Drilling Techniques”, Vol. 39 No. 3, May, 2011
Past Laboratory Contributions 1. Laboratory Simulation of Deep Well Drilling—Understanding Ductile-Brittle Behavior of Rock—1970’s 2. Roller Bit Drilling of Shales—Bit Balling & Muds Evaluations—late 1970’s 3. Novel Drill Bit Evaluations—Full-Scale Pressure Drilling—late 1970-1980’s 4. Development of PDC Cutters—Full-Scale Pressure Drilling Testing—late 1970’s and 1980’s 5. Improving Bit Hydraulics for Roller and PDC Bits—1980’s and early 1990’s 6. Laboratory Testing of Downhole Tools—late 1990’s and 2000’s 7. Understanding Pore Pressure & Mud Filtration on Drilling Rates—Improved Muds—1990’s 8. Improved Coring in Difficult Rock and in Uncemented Sandstones—1990’s 9. Instrumented Bit for Measurements While Drilling—late 1990’s and early 2000’s 10. Understanding the Role of Drilling Fluids in Ultra-Deep Drilling—2000’s 11. Difficult Drilling Bit and Mud Calibrations—2000’s 12. New Tools and Technology Pre-Field Tests and Evaluations—2000’s to Date
Laboratory Available from Enhanced Production, Inc. Sidney Green Salt Lake City, Utah USA