Cross-Institutional Collaboration for Sustainability South Dakota Cross-State Convening June 2017 H325A120003
Session Goals Participants will leave the session with strategies to mitigate typical barriers to collaborative efforts, within or across institutions. We will create a summary document of generated strategies
Add picture of SD badlands---example of the challenges posed by difficult terrain but well worth the effort because of the beautiful results????
Engaging Question What are typical barriers to collaborative efforts within & across institutions? Within a department Between departments Across institutions Participants will discuss in small groups then share-out. Facilitator will chart responses to refer to later in the session as ways to mitigate the challenges are addressed.
Within Institution Collaboration Cheryl Wold Northern State University Aberdeen, South Dakota
Northern State University Cheryl Wold A team of university faculty worked together to incorporate more content on working with SWDs in all education courses. Faculty members collaborated with state department of education personnel and faculty at other IHEs. The faculty members identified the features of effective instruction that all teachers should have to work with students with diverse needs especially students with disabilities. Course syllabi were reviewed to identify appropriate courses for the inclusion of the effective features of instruction.
Blueprint Goals: Develop new courses for graduate programs Curriculum mapping of literacy courses Revise and promote the blind and visually impaired endorsement Review and revise the teacher candidate final evaluation Create a first-year teacher mentoring program
The Process Faculty: attended state-wide meetings, participated in numerous conference calls, and the Cross-state Convening to gain information about CEEDAR met locally to develop and implement the university blueprint attended the mentoring training in another state and information was used to implement two mentor training workshops and an online class
Successes Features of Effective Instruction were added to 4 undergraduate courses (ELED 440, EDFN 455, SEED 400, SEED 450) Developed Special Education Law for School Administrators course for the Leadership and Administration program Developed special education course for the Teaching and Learning graduate program Developed Classroom Literacy Concepts course for the Teaching and Learning graduate program Developed a first-year teacher mentoring program Conducted literacy research
Challenges Our mentoring program was launched prior to the state-wide mentoring initiative Seeking approval from other universities to add new or common courses was an obstacle Marketing the Blind and Visual Endorsement continues to be a challenge
Alignment All of our projects were aligned with the state and national CEEDAR goals.
Cross-Institutional Collaboration
Augustana University Laurie Daily Blueprint Goals: Broad SD Goal: Increase the ability of teachers and teacher candidates to [successfully/inclusively] address the needs of all learners through education, assessment, and accountability. Specific Target: Increased literacy rates for students with disabilities in grades 4-12
Overview Focus on developing professional development opportunities for in-service teachers PD modules on 4 Features of Effective Instruction agreed upon by the SLT to be included in coursework CEEDAR IHEs assisted with the design and development work Partnered with Continuing Education to include free, online, on-demand workshops available to teachers throughout SD for the 2016-17 academic/fiscal year Available forever on the CEEDAR website:
Cross-Institution Collaboration: Educator Preparation & Effective Instruction Process: Changing Tactics-Working with Learner’s Edge, one of our Continuing Education Partners CEEDAR Statewide Planning Meeting-Reps from 3 other CEEDAR IHEs, SD DOE, and Local School District-Discussion of content, process, and product Continuing Education credits approved
Features of Effective Instruction Selected by SLT Incorporated into courses Development, Design, and Launch of Online Workshops (8-9 month process)
Augustana University Dr. Kathleen Cook and Dr. Laurie Daily
Link to Workshops Learners Edge Website Learners Edge login page
Your Experience Work with someone from a different state. You may reflect on experiences other than CEEDAR. Describe the most positive and powerful experience you have had in either leading or participating in a cross institutional effort.
How did you Support the cross institutional collaboration? Mitigate potential barriers? 10 minutes recorder
Collaborations through CEEDAR Successes and challenges? Ideas for a do-over? Strategies to support more effective partnerships? Efforts at Collaboration Successes Challenges Do-over strategies Divide into groups of 4-6 to discuss the first question for about 10-15 minutes. Have a recorder capture information about specific strategies employed to facilitate collaborative efforts. Fill out the organizer.
Discussion Leading Future Efforts
Closing Connections Take 5 minutes to write what you want to be sure to share with your team about improving future collaborative efforts. Make a list of key people who could support these efforts.
Thank you for… Sharing your great ideas Supporting collaborative efforts Together we can be powerfully effective in improving the lives of kids!
This is sustainability!
Let’s Stay in Touch! Laurie Daily, Augustana University Cheryl Wold, Northern State University Marty Hougen, CEEDAR –