ONAP Multi-VIM/Cloud Long Term Architecture and Use Cases (Under Community Discussion across Use Case, Optimization Framework, OOM, Architecture etc. teams)
Long Term Architecture Run-time Environment Deploy Service (TOSCA/HEAT/YANG) Design-time Environment (SDC) 1 Service Orchestration Common Service 4 VNF (Tosca) 3 5 Network (YANG) 2 Homing Close loop remediation 6 Infrastructure (HEAT) Controllers 4 DCAE Optimization Framework ONAP Operations Manager (OOM) SDN-C APP-C VF-C A&AI Registration ONAP Platform Deployment FCAPS Infra Resource SDN Overlay VNF Resource LCM Provider Registry Multi Cloud Mediation Layer OpenStack Azure – Heat to ARM Translation Local SDN Adapter Modeling and Capability OpenStack VMware Wind River Azure Kubernetes ...... Note: OOM, Optimization Framework, Kubernetes are beyond R1
Distributed Placement of Analytics Engines Example (1) Distributed DC placement of ONAP components such as DCAE and external components such as vendor-specific EMS or analytics engines. Placement domain can encompass operator private cloud with VIMs from different vendors (OpenStack, Wind river, VMware Integrated OpenStack etc.) or public cloud (Microsoft Azure etc.). Declarative placement policy examples Minimize latency for closed loop fault detection/remedy for VoLTE user plane traffic Desire to place real-time analytics engines near the user plane VNF Desire to choose the real-time analytics engine with minimal response latency Minimize cost for historical analytics Desire to place historical analytics engines in public cloud
Distributed Placement of Analytics Engines Example (2) Exemplary Constraints of Interest Network interconnect bandwidth, Xth percentile latency (X could be 99.9) Closed loop response time Cloud compute, network, storage pricing Yth percentile latency of individual components (real-time analytics engine etc.) used for closed loop automation (Y could be 99) This would include details about vendor-specific components such as EMS Application metric – end-to-end Zth percentile latency (Z could be 99.5) ONAP Components Involvement Multi Cloud – Common infrastructure representation across Multiple Clouds Optimization Framework – Choosing the appropriate Multi Cloud instance based on constraints and placement policies OOM, SDN-C, APP-C, VF-C, DCAE, Vendor Specific Components – Consumers of service offered by Multi Cloud and Optimization Framework
Distributed Placement of Analytics Engines Example (3) Use Case Impact (not limited to this list) VoLTE use case focused on 3GPP CUPS -- https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6593603 5G RAN -- https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Use+case%3A+5G- +RAN+deployment%2C+E2E+Slicing%2C+SON