Volunteering in a low-income country By Clare Barker Speech and Language Therapist
1990 BA Drama 2007 PG Dip Speech and Language Therapy 2007 Cambodia
APPG on Global Health (2013) How overseas volunteering from the NHS benefits the UK and the world
Sustained gains 2007 SLT + public health Service delivery models Cambodia Cleft speech assessment Visual support Me Learning about clinical conditions Problem solving Considering ethical dilemmas Strategic planning SLT + public health Service delivery models Working with translators Delivering training Travel
Best practice guidance: 2010 Framework for NHS Involvement in International Development First principle of appropriate contributions: “Led and driven by the needs of developing countries, not by the enthusiasm and interests of UK participants.”
‘When I was appointed minister, I thought I was the minister of health and responsible for the health of the country. Instead, I found I was the minister for health projects run by foreigners.’ Former Mozambique Minister of Health Quoted in NHS and DH (2010).
Locally appropriate
Annual study day
Joint professional practice York 2012 Leeds 2014
70-page resource pack for AHPs
Mainstream schools Person Centred Planning (Afasic) CTI Cambodia Elklan Tutor New setting + client group: needs assessment CTI committee CTI + ADAPT + OTF Universal level project Service into new setting 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013
http://comtherapint.wordpress.com www.facebook.com/communicationtherapyinternational
References ADAPT, Communication Therapy International, OT Frontiers (2014). Working Abroad: Guidance for Allied Health Professionals Contact ctimembership@yahoo.co.uk to request a copy All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health (2013). Improving Health at Home and Abroad available at: http://www.appg-globalhealth.org.uk/ NHS and DH (2010). Framework for NHS Involvement in International Development available at: http://www.thet.org/hps/resources/publications/the- framework-for-nhs-involvement-in-interntional-development