Barron’s TOEFL® iBT 15th Edition Lesson 2 Interpret expressions of surprise Pages 99-103
Two Ways To Express Surprise In Conversation Question statements Emphatic statements
Question Statements PRACTICAL STRATEGY A rising intonation is usually heard at the end of a question. When a rising intonation is heard at the end of a statement, it usually shows surprise.
EXAMPLE Ace STATEMENT (FACT) Kathy aced her computer science class. QUESTION STATEMENT (SURPRISE) Kathy aced her computer science class?
Activity 2, CD 1, Track 15
More Question Statements PRACTICAL STRATEGY Sometimes a statement of surprise is introduced by the phrase You mean.
EXAMPLE Off campus STATEMENT (FACT) Carol doesn’t want to live off campus. QUESTION STATEMENT (SURPRISE) You mean Carol doesn’t want to live off campus?
Activity 3, CD 1, Track 16
Emphatic Statements PRACTICAL STRATEGY An auxiliary verb in a statement can express both emphasis and surprise. Usually the auxiliary verbs are do, does, and did. Sometimes the auxiliary verbs is, are, has, and have are also used. Often the statement begins with the word So. In these statements, the speaker had assumed the opposite.
EXAMPLE T.A So Bill did apply to be a T.A.
Activity 4, CD 1, Track 17
Review Two Ways To Express Surprise In Conversation Question statements Emphatic statements
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