Date of download: 10/9/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Evolving Strategies in Mechanobiology to More Effectively Treat Damaged Musculoskeletal Tissues J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(2):021001-021001-16. doi:10.1115/1.4023479 Figure Legend: Tendon healing shares similar characteristics with bone healing. Central PT healing in the mouse (upper panel, cross-sectional view) results in paratenon progenitor cells proliferating and migrating to form a bridge over the anterior surface of the defect space. This response is similar to fracture callus formation in tibial fractures (lower panel). Scleraxis (Scx) GFP reporter expression and smooth muscle actin α (SMAA) immunostaining (red) label potential early progenitor cells in these healing scenarios. White arrows indicate coexpressing cells.