Procurement Desktop Defense (PD²) Navigating The Desktop SPS Spotlight Series February 2014
Overview Desktop Layout PD2 Desktop Containers Menu Access Tool Bar This information was originally created for The SPS Spotlight Series project, which ran from November 2013 through November 2015. Updates to the original content may be incorporated to ensure accuracy. If you have any questions about this information, please contact the SPS Help Desk at Overview Desktop Layout PD2 Desktop Containers Menu Access Tool Bar
Desktop Layout in PD2 PD² is similar to the Windows environment and incorporates many of the basic Windows capabilities. However, since PD² was developed to assist with contracting functions, it has its own unique desktop structure. The PD² desktop is designed to recreate an office environment electronically. PD² uses cabinets, file folders, envelopes, an inbox, an outbox, and documents to accomplish this. All of the desktop object are placed into two categories: Containers and Documents.
The PD² containers include: Cabinets Folders Inbox and Outbox Envelopes
Desktop Configuration Typically, all cabinets are located at the bottom of the PD² screen. Occasionally, cabinets may disappear from sight. Select Window – Arrange Icons to display them.
Desktop Containers There are two types of cabinets, “personal” and “team.” The personal cabinets are yellow, while the team cabinets are grey.
Desktop Containers When opened, the personal cabinet shows the contents ie. the folders or the documents that are within them.
Desktop Containers The cabinet name is shown by an icon of the cabinet so that it is always known which cabinet is being accessed.
Desktop Containers Two or more cabinets may be open at the same time. Just like in a “Windows” environment, folders and documents may be draged from one cabinet to another.
Desktop Containers Team cabinets operate the same as personal cabinets except that you cannot use, or even “see” a team cabinet unless you are a member of that particular team.
Desktop Containers Folders are containers that are kept within the cabinets. They are typically always yellow, unless they have been “workload assigned.” In which case they will be blue.
Desktop Containers Documents are items that are stored within a folder ie. Standard Forms, DD Forms, Attachments etc.
Desktop Containers When a folder is open, a representation of this is seen inside the cabinet that contains the folder.
Desktop Containers The actual open folder will be opened for viewing of the contents within it.
Desktop Containers Unlike the “Windows” environment, you may not drag an item onto a folder. You must open the folder and drag the item in.
Desktop Containers Another type of container is the “Envelope.” Envelopes perform just like folders but are typically used to send ( route ) documents from one user to another.
Desktop Containers Finally, two other very important containers are the “inbox” and the “outbox.”
Desktop Containers The inbox is used to receive documents sent from other users. Note: You may NOT work on items while they are in your inbox. You must first drag the document or folder to another location on your desktop.
Desktop Containers The outbox is used to send or “route” documents or folders to other users. Simply drag the item to the outbox, select a user, then the system will send the item to that user.
Desktop Containers A quick way to know if there are documents in your inbox or outbox, is to look at the icon. If there are documents within them, the icon will display a stack of papers.
Menu Access Now that we have viewed the Desktop and various methods of storage, let’s now take a look at getting around in PD2. We use “Menus” and “Tools” to do the day to day functions in the system. We will first take a look at the menus.
Menu Access Using a particular menu will give access to the various documents, actions, and areas that are needed to use for specific functions within PD2.
Menu Access First there is the “File” menu. Here you can do general items that are common to most File menus. Notice that there are also “hot keys” that give you another way to use some of the items located here.
Menu Access The “Edit” menu only has three items located there. Notice once again that hotkeys are possible to be used.
Menu Access The “Procurement” menu will house the majority of the normal day to day functionality. Here it is possible to create forms and attachments, perform Pre and Post award functions, and even access reporting functionality.
Menu Access The “Reference” menu allows access to your regulations such as the FAR and DFARS. Note: Other regulations specific to your branch of service or organization my be added here by your System Administrator. Only the FAR and DFARS are standard to the system.
Menu Access Next we find the “Utilities” menu. These are the various utilities that are helpful to users and System Administrators for daily use. Note: If a menu item is “greyed out” that means that you do not have access to it, per your System Administrator.
Menu Access Next there is the “Window” menu. Change the layout of your open containers or, gain quick access to them from here.
Menu Access A very valuable yet under used item is the “Help” menu. Within Help there are many resources to guide you through the system. There is also a “Glossary of terms” as well as directions on using the various help items.
Tool Bar Finally, another great way to get around in the system is by use of the “Tool Bar.”
Tool Bar The “Tool Bar” is not a complete path to all items within PD2 as the “Menus” are. The Tool Bar is a “quick access” method for some of the most commonly used items.
Tool Bar If you place your mouse on an item “without clicking” it, you will be given the name of that particular item or its function.
Once you are familiar with the navigation of the desktop, you will have no trouble getting to the items you wish to use. Please contact your System Administrator if you feel that you should have additional access to other items.