By Thang Ha & Yuji Kim University of Oklahoma, 2016 Seismic Reprocessing: Constrained Conjugate Gradient Least-Squares Migration and Migration-Driven 5D Interpolation: Application to Jeju Basin Marine Data By Thang Ha & Yuji Kim University of Oklahoma, 2016
Motivation Nowadays, technology evolution has enabled us to acquire much denser, higher fold, full-azimuth data, thus producing high quality seismic images. Yet, it does come with a catch: our demand on seismic imaging quality keeps increasing. This makes images processed 10 years ago inadequate for modern interpretation.
What do we do to get high quality images? Acquire and process new data Reprocess old data with new techniques Expensive
With the not-so-promising present… The first option is very costly and time consuming. Given the not-so-promising present, most of the oil industry would prefer the 2nd way: to reprocess the data.
Seismic Reprocessing Consist of many steps, including velocity refinement, advanced static correction, noise suppression, and migration The last step, migration, is the actual “engine” to convert the acquired data to seismic images. Some migration algorithm requires regularized input data Two methods are shown in this project to address migration and regularization issues: Constrained Conjugate Gradient Least-Squares Migration (LSM) and Migration-Driven 5D Interpolation
Outline Theory behind Constrained Conjugate Gradient Least-Squares Migration Theory behind Migration-Driven 5D interpolation Application to Jeju Basin Data (South Korea) Conclusions Acknowledgement
Constrained Conjugate Gradient Least-Squares Migration 4 elements: Migration Least-Squares Conjugate Gradient Constraint
Migration Work by “swiping” trace data along ellipsoidal surfaces “swiped” images constructively interfered at reflection events Focus diffraction Move reflectors to their correct location Shape of ellipsoids depend on velocity model image from
Least-Squares Migration can be understood as a filter – an operator – applied on acquired data, to produce images. Similarly, a reverse filter – an operator to convert seismic reflectivity images to acquired data is commonly known as “demigration” or forward modeling operator L d=Lm, where + d: acquired data + L: forward modeling (demigration) operator + m: seismic reflectivity images
Least-Squares We want to get seismic reflectivity image m, so we have to calculate the inverse of L: L-1 However, in practice, it’s impossible to invert L Yet, we can approximate L-1 by LT, the transpose of L, which is basically migration operator m=LTd
Least-Squares In short, we can never have the exact solution to the equation d=Lm The next best thing: find m so that the magnitude of the difference (d-Lm), or the squares of the difference, (d-Lm)2, is the least Thus “Least-Squares”
Conjugate Gradient Method Developed by Hestenes and Stiefel (1952) Among the first-order iterative methods to solve Least-Squares problem, Conjugate Gradient method is the fastest (i.e. has the highest rate of convergence) Detail of math-to-geophysics translation of the Conjugate Gradient method is provided in a 10-page single-spaced appendix.
Let’s keep things simple, otherwise…
Constraint Beware that the acquired data contains both signal AND noise If we try to solve for the reflectivity model m too exactly, then we also try to make m represent the noise in our data! Constraint is used to enhance signal and reduce noise We use Structure-Oriented Filter (SOF) as the constraint for Least-Squares Migration. SOF works by smoothing data where we have strong coherent reflectors while keeping faults sharp
Too complicated to be represented by a flow chart m0=SOF(m0)=0 Original Data (d0=r0) Migrated Data Migrate SOF Update residual: r1=r0-α1*Lh0 α1=<g0.g0>/<Lh0.Lh0> Lh0 (g0=h0) Demigrate Update model: SOF(m1)=α1*h1 Update directional vector: v1=SOF(m1)/α1 r1 α1 Update conjugate gradient: h1=g1+β1v1 β1=<g1.g1>/<g0.g0> g1 Migrate v1 h1
Better be represented by a step-by-step workflow We made it easier for you by creating the least-squares migration workflow GUI. It’s all about keeping track with which step you are at. The top part of the GUI shows you what step you clicked at which iteration you are in. Each button will specify the program to be run in LSM workflow, sometimes with a required change of parameter (such as migration with or without antialias).
LSM workflow is in AASPI Prestack Utility
Outline Theory behind Constrained Conjugate Gradient Least-Squares Migration Theory behind Migration-Driven 5D interpolation Application to Jeju Basin Data (South Korea) Conclusions Acknowledgement
What are 5 Dimensions and what is interpolation for? Migration-Driven Inline, Xline, Offset, Azimuth, Time Source-X, Source-Y, Rec-X, Rec-Y, Time Inline, Xline, Offset Tile X, Offset Tile Y, Time Interpolation helps balance amplitude across seismic survey Some advanced migration algorithm, such as wave- equation migration, required regularized input, which can only be archived through interpolation Conventional
Conventional 5D Interpolation Acquisition before interpolation Acquisition after interpolation (Trad, 2005) Demonstration of 5D interpolation with double number of receiver line. Note: this is done on prestack raw gathers, without involving any migration or demigration.
Conventional 5D Interpolation: Coherence Map 2 km Although acquisition footprint is suppressed after 5D interpolation, the result is actually SMEARED. This is because the DIFFRACTIONs coming from the edges of those channels are incorrectly interpolated in the pretack raw gather. Migrated image without 5D interpolation High Low Coherence Migrated image with 5D interpolation (Chopra and Marfurt, 2013)
2D simple fault model Distance (km) 10 Sedimentary rock: v=2500m/s Distance (km) 10 Sedimentary rock: v=2500m/s d=2200kg/m3 Depth (m) To demonstrate the smearing of conventional FFT interpolation, I made a simple 2D fault model with one fault in the middle of the survey, and two layers: sedimentary rock and basement rock. Basement rock: v=5000m/s d=2750kg/m3 1000
Shot gather before NMO Amplitude Distance (m) 10000 0.5 Time (s) 1.0 Distance (m) 10000 Amplitude Positive Negative 0.5 Time (s) 1.0 This is a shot gather close to the middle of the survey. The diffraction can be seen as hyperbolic events emerging from symmetric reflection signal. These hyperbola are much weaker than the reflectors. 1.5
Shot gather after NMO Amplitude Distance (m) 10000 0.5 Time (s) 1.0 Distance (m) 10000 Amplitude Positive Negative 0.5 Time (s) 1.0 After NMO has been applied. Note how the hyperbolic diffraction is deformed. One thing for sure: it is NOT FLATTEN!!! 1.5
Shot gather after NMO, decimated Distance (m) 10000 Amplitude Positive Negative 0.5 Time (s) 1.0 I decide to decimate the data where diffraction occurs. 1.5
Shot gather after NMO, decimated, FFT interpolated Distance (m) 10000 Amplitude Positive Negative 0.5 Time (s) 1.0 This is the result of 2D FFT interpolation. Note how bad diffraction was interpolated. FFT interpolate flattened event really good, but when it comes to diffraction, horizontal interpolation generate “kiosk pyramid” artifact, which smear the hyperbola. 1.5
Migration-Driven 5D Interpolation Use Demigration (the reverse of migration, i.e. forward modeling) as the “engine” for interpolation Defocus diffraction events into hyperboloids With appropriate parameters, ONE iteration may already be enough
Original CDP gathers Amplitude 0.2 0.4 Time (s) 0.6 0.8 1.0 Positive 0.2 Negative 0.4 Time (s) 0.6 0.8 1.0
Demigrated CDP gathers Amplitude Positive 0.2 Negative 0.4 Time (s) 0.6 Reflectors are enhanced. Noise is reduced. 0.8 1.0
Migrated original data Amplitude Positive 0.2 Negative 0.4 Time (s) 0.6 0.8 1.0
Migrated result of demigrated data Amplitude Positive 0.2 Negative 0.4 Time (s) 0.6 See the low frequency in the 1st migration result? It’s reduced thanks to the band-pass filter in demigration. 0.8 1.0
Stacked image of migrated original data 0.2 Amplitude Positive Negative 0.4 Time (s) 0.6 0.8 1.0
Stacked image of migrated result of demigrated data 0.2 Amplitude Positive Negative 0.4 Time (s) 0.6 Similarly, low-frequency caused by reverberation is reduced in the final stacked image. The main point is that the migrated result of demigration data CLOSELY RESEMBLE the migrated result of original data. This ensures demigration is working properly and can be used as the “engine” for interpolation. 0.8 1.0
The Math Behind The Scene… Inspired by Projection Onto Convex Sets (POCS) Abma and Kabir (2006) followed POCS approach for 2D interpolation using Fourier Transform 2D FFT Threshold remove low amplitude 2D inverse FFT Reinsert original traces X1: Original data C: Desired migrated Result D: Desired interpolated result Projection toward C: migration (plus SOF filtering) Projection toward D: demigration (plus limiting bandpass filter)
Projection Onto Convex Sets Decimated synthetic example Abma and Kabir (2006)
Projection Onto Convex Sets After 1 iteration Abma and Kabir (2006)
Projection Onto Convex Sets After 8 iterations Abma and Kabir (2006)
New Migration-Driven 5D Interpolation Workflow Original Data Structural Oriented Filtering Looking good? No Migrate Yes Merge Demigrate into interpolated locations 5D interpolated migrated result Looking good? New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: can change band-pass filter at each iteration toward desirable result Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. Can have anti-alias turned on or off. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration) 5D interpolated result
Outline Theory behind Constrained Conjugate Gradient Least-Squares Migration Theory behind Migration-Driven 5D interpolation Application to Jeju Basin Data (South Korea) Conclusions Acknowledgement
Application to Jeju Basin Data (South Korea) Introduction Project 3D Marine seismic processing of KIGAM survey acquired over a fluvial system, Jeju Basin, South Korea Acquired by Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) Location Jeju Basin , South Korea Acquisition in three campaigns 1st phase : 2012 2nd phase : 2013 3rd phase : 2014 Data processing 1st phase : Hawkins(2013) 2nd phase : Larry Aboaba (2014) 3rd phase : Yuji Kim (2014 ~) Data type SEG-D format Navigation data in UKOOA p1/90 format Well log Dragon-1 well (1993) New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration) Regional map of the East China Sea.
Application to Jeju Basin Data Acquisition parmeters Streamer/Source on figuration 2/2 Streamer length 2.4 km (1st, 3rd phase) 2.1 km (2nd phase) Streamer depth 7 m Source depth 5 m Record length 5 s Sample rate 2 ms Group interval 12.5m No of Groups 192 per streamer Shot interval 25 m Bin size 6.25 x 25 m Sail direction 135 / 315 degree (1st, 2nd phase) 45 /225 degree (3rd phase) 3rd phase 1st, 2nd phase New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration) Phase 1-3 seismic survey areas.
Application to Jeju Basin Data Total Energy Phase 1-2 fold map High Low 3rd phase 1st, 2nd phase 5 km Feathering Phase 3 fold map New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration) Phase 1-3 seismic survey areas.
Application to Jeju Basin Data Total Energy Feathering, sparse sampling in cross-line direction High Amplitude Total energy Low New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Application to Jeju Basin Data Preconditioning workflow Import Individual SEG-D Add Navigation data & Merge SEGD’s Geometry Applied Data Resampling & Bandpass filtering Velocity Analysis (1km x1km) Surface Related Multiple Elimination Are Surface Related Multiple Present? Brute Stack Deconvolution PSTM Migration and Stacking PSTM Seismic Volume Least-squares migration Attribute Volume Generate Attribute Volume Detailed NO YES New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Application to Jeju Basin Data (Least-squares migration) Migration and demigration New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Application to Jeju Basin Data (Least-squares migration) Migration and demigration New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Application to Jeju Basin Data (Least-squares migration) LSM workflow Residuals from each iteration # iteration Residual r0 8464.842 r1 (1st iteration) 8421.252 r2 (2nd iteration) 8408.917 r3 (3rd iteration) 8407.878 Acquisition footprint 3rd iteration Sobel-filter similarity 1st iteration 2nd iteration High New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration) Low
Application to Jeju Basin Data (Least-squares migration) Kirchhoff migration Least-squares migration Amp Pos (a) Amplitude Neg New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Application to Jeju Basin Data (Least-squares migration) Kirchhoff migration Least-squares migration Sobel-filter similarity (b) Coherence High Direction of acquisition (45 degree) Low New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Application to Jeju Basin Data (Least-squares migration) Conclusion Least squares migration reduces artifacts resulted from incomplete data (e.g. poor sampling). Constrain factor reduces the number of iterations to converge. The LSM on marine data effectively alleviates acquisition footprint, which is shown in slices through coherence and curvature attributes. New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Acknowledgement We want to thank all of our AASPI sponsors for the generous support Thank KIGAM for providing access to Jeju basin dataset Thank CIMAREX for providing access to Panhandle dataset New method: not involves constrained conjugate gradient least-squares migration. Demigration: have different bandpass filters, broaden after each iteration to “carry” more data. Merge: can normalize interpolated data to make it has approximately the same RMS amplitude with original data Migration: only need to migrate interpolated traces and then merge with the migrated result of the original data by a simple sum. We can also have interpolated result to be used in some advanced migration algorithm that requires the input to be regularized (like wave-equation migration)
Thank you for your participation!