importance of literature in understanding postcolonialism Benan ERTAN
“post” in Postcolonialism Prefix meaning ‘after’ History behind colonialism?
COLONIALISM Power relationship established by military Maintained by discourse and cultural imperialism Form of practice, commercial operation
How to capture a colony? Imposed their own values onto these colonized so that they were internalized Socially Culturally Politically Knowledge of colonizing dominated colonized
British Empire in the 1920s
Post-colonialism Period of time after colonialism Raises issues like racism and exploitation Offers a counter-narrative to the long tradition of European imperial narratives Opression of those who were ruled under colonization
Literature’s effect Easy to create a discourse Powerful tool in implementing ideas Decolonize the mind
Song of Lawino by P’Bitek Ocol is no longer in love with; The old type; He is in love with a modern girl … To look like a white woman; Her lips are red-hot; Like glowing charcoal
Written to show the effect of colonialism She inherits doubleness in her body Effect of Eurocentricism Whiteness is shown as the universal beauty Her identity is white, body is black Contributes to otherness
SOURCES m/10/10/3996/m_The-image- of-the-woman-in-Okot-pBiteks- iSong-of-Lawino-and-song-of- Ocoli4.html h?v=0JTMBP8Pfy4