Barbara Dittrich, Lance Wrzesinski, Clarence Dancer Computer Science WA-ACTE Summer Conference The Davenport Grand Hotel | Spokane, WA August 7-10, 2016 Barbara Dittrich, Lance Wrzesinski, Clarence Dancer
Overview Why Computer Science AP Computer Science Grants Computer Science and Education New Computer Science Program Specialist State Standards Endorsement Equivalencies CIP Codes CJ
Why Computer Science CJ
67% of software jobs are outside the tech industry Principle areas of computer science and computer engineering Impact Across Society Medicine & Global Health Energy & Sustainability Security & Privacy Transportation Agriculture Education Scientific Discovery Engineering Commerce CJ
Substitute House Bill 1472 Enacted into law 2013 to improve and expand access to computer science education AP Computer Science A credited as science or math Encourage support from industry mentors including via synchronous video Priority given to schools in rural areas with substantial enrollment of low-income students Barb
AP Computer Science Statewide 2010-11 school year 20 public high schools 517 students enrolled in course 2014-15 school year 63 public high schools 2,080 students enrolled in course Barb
iGrants Form Package 656 Purpose: to increase the capacity of high schools to offer AP Computer Science Due date: Friday, September 23, 2016 Awards: up to $10,000 Competitive grant Valid program activities Teaching Instructional professional development Instructional technology Barb
Computer Science and Education ESSB 6052, Sec 501, (42) provides $1,000,000 for both 15-16 and 16-17 fiscal years 15-16 (FP 769) – 23 Grantees 16-17 (FP 777) – 20 Grantees Lance
Computer Science Endorsement Currently there has not been an Institution step up to offer Endorsement Pearson is currently developing a Computer Science endorsement assessment (West-E) Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) in September will be considering using the Oklahoma exam Lance
Computer Science CIP Codes Two approved Business and Marketing CIP codes for Computer Science/Programing 110701 and 11201 110701 Exploratory for Introductory Courses or Junior High Programs* 110201 Preparatory for AP and other than Introductory Courses * Junior High must meet STEM Standards Lance
Computer Science State Standards Recommendation has been received from the standards committee. Approval of Washington State Computer Standards – January 2018 Projected Implementation 18-19 If you are interested in being a part of the adoption process or the implementation process after the January adoption; please contact our new K12 Computer Science Supervisor: Shannon Thissen: 360-725-6092 Lance
Science Equivalencies Course Equivalencies Science Equivalencies CIP Code CTE Course/Framework Equivalency 010901 Animal Science Biology or Lab Science 011101 Plant Science 030101 Natural Resources 030201 Natural Resources Management Policy 010000 Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Lab Science 011001 Food Science and Safety 030104 AP Environmental Science 120503 Culinary Arts and Food Science (1080 hrs) 120505 Food Production and Services (360 hrs) 190504 Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition 260102 Biomedical Sciences 260103 Biomedical-Body Systems 510808 Veterinarian Assistant (540 hrs) 511614 Nursing Assistant (540 hrs) 400891 Principles of Technology Applied Physics or Lab Science 110201 Computer Programming Science 150613 CORE Plus (540 hrs) 010308 Agroecology and Sustainability Life Science or Lab Science Environmental Science 261201 Agricultural Biotechnology Lance
Course Equivalencies (cont.) Mathematics Equivalencies CIP Code CTE Course/Framework Equivalency 149991 Engineering Design 1 Algebra 1 190401 Consumer and Family Resources 270301 Applied Algebra 1 270305 Financial Math 100304 Animation Technology Video Graphics (540 hrs) Geometry 110803 Video Game Design / Digital Computer Animation (540 hrs) 460201 Residential Carpentry (540 hrs) Applied Algebra 2 Algebra 2 110201 Computer Programming 3rd Year 150613 CORE Plus (540 hrs) 279998 Business Statistics Statistics Lance
Questions Lance, Barb, CJ
Contacts Barbara Dittrich Advanced Placement/CTE Program Supervisor 360-725-4964 Lance Wrzesinski Business and Marketing 360-725-6258 Clarence Dancer STEM 360-725-4467