UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science Codecraft Computer Programming SECME Regional Competition
Why? JOBS! Computing makes up 2/3 of projected new jobs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Computing occupations are among the highest-paying jobs for new graduates. Yet fewer than 3% of college students graduate with a degree in computer science, and only 8% of STEM graduates are in computer science. By 2020, there will be 1.4 million jobs available in computing related fields. US graduates are on track to fill 29% of those jobs. Women are on track to fill just 3%. From Computer Science Education Week: https://csedweek.org/resource_kit/blurbs and Girls Who Code: https://girlswhocode.com/about- us/#the-problem
Why? Lack of Access! Nine in ten parents want their child to study computer science, but only one in four schools teach computer programming. Only 22 percent of AP Computer Science students are women. Only 13% are Black or Hispanic. Women who try AP Computer Science in high school are 10 times more likely to major in it in college, and Black and Hispanic students are 7 times more likely. While interest in computer science ebbs over time, the biggest drop off happens starting at the age of 13. From Computer Science Education Week: https://csedweek.org/resource_kit/blurbs and Girls Who Code: https://girlswhocode.com/about- us/#the-problem
Codecraft Computer Programming Competition Competition Overview There are two competition categories, Games and Storytelling. Within both competition categories, there are 3 award divisions by grade level; elementary, middle, and high school. In each category and awards division, projects for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place (runner up) will be awarded. A competition project will be made using the Scratch computer programming platform, and judged on its engagement, artwork, use of digital media, use of computer science concepts, originality, and completeness. http://stem.ucf.edu/secme/guidelines/
Codecraft Computer Programming Competition Step 1 Register as a competitor: https://goo.gl/forms/X1t4nj25Lu29JMfJ3
Codecraft Computer Programming Competition Step 2 Want guidance? Happy to help! SECME competitors get free access to lessons on the Codecraft Works Platform.
Codecraft Computer Programming Competition Step 3 Students join Scratch and get to work writing your program! https://scratch.mit.edu/
Codecraft Computer Programming Competition Step 4 Submit your final project for competition judging!
Codecraft Vision All students will have early and equal opportunity to learn the fundamentals of computer science, software engineering, and cyber security education. All students are empowered to become creators of technology, architects of systems, defender of the free and open web - not just content consumers or passive technology users. Through partnerships and collaboration, our society will close gender & economic gaps currently limiting access to nationally critical high tech education.
What’s next? COMPETE TO WIN! RUN summer camps at your school Run clubs in schools at your school Build strong community partnerships Connect with your local mentor network
Happy to help! http://www.codecraftworks.com https://stem.ucf.edu/secme/ info@codecraftworks.com facebook.com/codecraftlab twitter.com/codecraftworks