1.3 ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS WITH SCALARS Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department 1.3 ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS WITH SCALARS Computer Programming Lecture 2
1.3.1 Order of Precedence Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department 1.3.1 Order of Precedence Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
1.4 DISPLAY FORMATS Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department 1.4 DISPLAY FORMATS Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
1.5 ELEMENTARY MATH BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department 1.5 ELEMENTARY MATH BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Variable_ name = A numerical value, or a computable expression Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department 1.6.1 The Assignment Operator Variable_ name = A numerical value, or a computable expression Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Geometry and trigonometry Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Geometry and trigonometry Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
The Law of Cosines Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department The Law of Cosines Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Lecture 2