B and C Divisions Carrie Griffith Herpetology B and C Divisions Carrie Griffith
What is Herpetology? Study of Reptiles and Amphibians
Rules Overview: Test Team of 2 PowerPoint about 50% of the test will be ID Other half will be on Anatomy/Physiology, reproduction, habitat, ecology, diet, behavior, conservation, biogeography Variety of multiple choice and written response (short-few words or single word) ID will ask for common name, order, family and/or genus. Will be approximately even between reptiles and amphibians with some questions/ID on Crocodylians.
Test Layout Example: Give the Order and Family of the following specimen: Teams will have 45 seconds before the slide changes to the questions Teams will then have 1 minute and 30 seconds to answer 2-3 questions about the specimen.
What can teams bring? Writing implement Original national list One 3-ring binder Any size Information in any form from any source
Binder Pictures Information 2 Male vs female Color variation Pattern variation Different views Information Section the information off, grouping the topics: Anatomy/Physiology, reproduction, habitat, ecology, diet, behavior, conservation, biogeography
Resources Books The Amphibians and Reptiles of NYS: Amazon for about $40 Herpetology, Fourth Edition 4th Edition by F. Harvey Pough (Author): Amazon used for about $85 Herpetology, Fourth Edition: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles 4th Edition by Laurie J. Vitt (Author): Amazon new for about $80 A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern and Central North America (Peterson Field Guides) 3rd Edition by Joseph T. Collins (Author): Amazon for about $20.
Resources websites http://www.cortland.edu/herp/ (old but good to start with) http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7140.html NYS http://paherpsurvey.org/ PA http://nytts.org/nytts/NJherpatlas.htm NJ http://www.ctherpetology.com/ CT http://www.massherpatlas.org/ MA
General Information http://aknhp.uaa.alaska.edu/herps/anatomy.htm
Frogs http://www.slideshare.net/FJHScience/frog-body-parts-and-functions-2014