Dylan le Roux (16003127) Dgci poe Question 1.1 Digital Divide Dylan le Roux (16003127) Dgci poe Question 1.1
Defining Digital Divide “The socio-economic and other disparities between those people who have opportunities and skills enabling them to benefit from digital resources, especially the Internet, and those who do not have these opportunities or skills” (Dictionary.com, 2016).
Digital Divide in South Africa South Africa don’t have the ability to keep up with technology enhancements such as their telecommunication system which is falling more and more behind other countries each year. The South African government doesn’t pay enough attention to their governmental websites as they should which makes it a bigger challenge for them when they need to make use of their e-governance. Although there has been an increase in the number of schools with access to computers, there is still more than 50% of schools in South Africa without access to computers. This is causing South Africa to be less digitally educated than other countries. South Africa has a low internet speed average which is below the international average, which puts off foreign investors from wanting to invest in South African companies.
Issues surrounding Access to digital technology Wi-Fi and cellular data is more expensive in South Africa which means that only a few people can afford the amount they need. In other countries like England, there is free Wi-Fi hotspots that do not require a password or log in to work. You also have no limit to the amount of data you can use at these hotspots. South Africa is a third world country that doesn’t have as much money as the other countries which means that we don’t have the money to supply enough schools with digital devices.
Role to social, human and knowledge Capital In South Africa there is not enough trust in fellow South Africans and the government. This is an issue that needs to be resolved if any transformation in digital technology wants to take place. Human In South Africa many humans lack the skills and knowledge to be able to improve our digital environment, because of this, it takes us a lot longer to move forward than it should. Knowledge This capital area focuses on ones ability to create innovative ideas and processes that the organization or community can use to improve their digital spectrum.
Solving the issues of digital divide in south Africa Employ people in the government whose job is to focus on the digital aspect of the government. The government should spend more money and time into providing computers to all schools to ensure that they get the required knowledge to carry it through to whatever job they attain. Their needs to be a drop in the cost of communication in south Africa starting with the cell phone service providers such as Vodacom, MTN and Cell C.
Reference List Wikipedia. (2015). Digital divide in South Africa. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_divide_in_South_Africa [Accessed 27 May 2016]. Investopedia. (n.d.). Human Capital Definition. [online] Available at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/humancapital.asp?layout=infini&v=5D&orig=1&adtest=5D [Accessed 29 May 2016]. Investopedia. (n.d.). Knowledge Capital Definition. [online] Available at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/knowledge-capital.asp?layout=infini&v=5D&orig=1&adtest=5D [Accessed 29 May 2016]. Investopedia. (n.d.). Social Capital Definition. [online] Available at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/socialcapital.asp?layout=infini&v=5D&orig=1&adtest=5D [Accessed 29 May 2016]. Dictionary.com. (2016). The Definition of Digital Divide. [online] Available at: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/digital-divide [Accessed 27 May 2016]. Wild, S. (2013). Bridging the gaping digital divide. [online] The M&G Online. Available at: http://mg.co.za/article/2013-08-16-00-bridging-the-gaping-digital-divide [Accessed 29 May 2016].