AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES VOCAB a venomous snake that has two, large mobile fangs at the front of the mouth VIPER the aquatic, fishlike larva of a frog or toad TADPOLE A snake that kills its prey by crushing & suffocating it CONSTRICTOR A 3rd eyelid found under the lower eyelid of many vertebrates NICTITATING MEMBRANE The bottom, or ventral portion, of a turtle’s shell PLASTRON A membrane that attaches the small intestine to the abdominal wall MESENTERY The ability of an organism to drop a body part & usually regenerate a new one AUTONOMY A sound-sensing membrane TYMPANUM A shieldlike plate that covers the cephalothorax of some crustaceans and reptiles CARAPACE One of a varied group mostly extinct reptiles that lived millions of years ago DINOSAUR
11. a membrane that is attached to a vertebrate embryo & that encloses the yolk & thus stores energy reserves for the developing embryo yolk sac 12. a hard protein that forms hair, bird, feathers, nails, & horns keratin 13. an animal that can regenerate body heat thru metabolism & can maintain a constant body temp despite temp changes in external environment endotherm 14. an olfactory sac that opens into the mouth & is highly developed in reptiles Jacobson’s organ 15. an organism that needs sources of heat outside itself ectotherm 16. a horny or chitinous plate that makes up part of the exoskeleton in armadillos, turtles, fishes, etc. scute
17. tetrapod- animal that has 4 muscular limbs and feet with toes & fingers (digits) 18. Order Caudata- salamanders; possess a tail throughout life & both pairs of legs, when present are relatively unspecialized ; “Tail to bear”; also includes newts 19. Order Gymnophiona- caecilians; wormlike burrowers that feed on worms & other invertebrates in the soil; body appears segmented b/c of folds in skin that overlie seperations b/w muscle bundles; “naked like a snake”
20. Order Anura-frogs & toads; “without tail” 21 20. Order Anura-frogs & toads; “without tail” 21. Cutaneous respiration-gas exchange across the skin 22. Buccopharyngeal respiration-gas exchange across the moist surfaces of the mouth and pharynx 23. Amplexus-in frogs, eggs are released & fertilized when the male frog (smaller frog) mounts & grasps the female position is amplexus 24. Amniotic egg-egg that is resistant to drying; membranes form during development to protect the embryo from desiccation (extreme dryness), store wastes, & promote gas exchange; also has a leathery shell this is protective yet porous allowing for gas exchange with environment
25. Secondary bone (palate)-plate of bone that separates the nasal & mouth passageways 26. Pit organs-receptor of infrared radiation (heat) on the heads of some snakes (pit vipers); on each side of face b/w eye & nostril 27. Order Squamata-lizards & snakes; recognized by characteristics of the skull & jaws; most successful & diverse group of living reptiles 28. Order Crocodilia(Crocodylia)- alligators & crocodiles 29. Order Chelonia-turtles, tortoises & terrapins