Anuran Vocalization Draws air into lungs Pushes air across vocal cords and larynx into vocal sac. Vocal sac may resonate sound
Plains Spadefoot Toad Spea bombifrons Loud and harsh “Go-away go-away” LINK
Blanchards Cricket Frog Acris blanchardi Two marbles being tapped or rubbed together LINK
Spring Peeper Pseudacris crucifer Peep, peep, peep, peep. A short, repeated, loud, high-pitched note, that rises at the end. Link
Gray Treefrog Hyla chrysoscelis Short high trill LINK
Boreal Chorus Frog Pseudacris maculata Running finger across Teeth of a comb LINK
Finger rubbing balloon Plains Leopard Frog Rana blairi Finger rubbing balloon LINK
Bullfrog Rana catesbiana Drawing bow across upright bass Foghorn LINK
Western Narrowmouth Toad Gastrophryne olivacea Nasally Beeeeeeee LINK
American Toad Bufo americanus Long musical trill 15-30 seconds LINK
Woodhouse’s Toad Anaxyrus woodhousii an explosive and nasal "w-a-a-a-a", lasting from 1 to 4 seconds LINK