Reurbanisation the movement of people back into urban areas
Definitions Reurbanisation – the movement of people back to live in old city centres which have been redeveloped Suburban intensification – improvement and development of the suburbs via the introduction of new services and increased building densities. It is when there is an influx of larger shops and shopping centres and also houses with large gardens are replaced with flats, leading to a higher population density and an intensification of the suburbs.
Fighting against counterurbanisation The table shows that despite there being a 13.2% fall in inner city London population between 1961-1971, there was a 4% growth in inner London and a total of 4.1% growth in greater and outer London giving London a total of 8% urban growth 2001 and 2006, therefore going against the trend of counter urbanisation. There is also just a 0.1% increase in south Yorkshire showing that the more rural areas are barely growing. However between 2001 and 2006 there has been a 5.5% fall in the population of Glasgow city, showing that there is a trend in counter urbanisation. overall when everything is added together looking at these areas there is an overall trend of urbanisation not counter urbanisation in recent times, with 1.6% of the population moving to urban areas between 2001 and 2006.
Fighting against counterurbanisation To fight counterurbanisation cities are coming up with strategies to encourage the movement of people back into urban areas Cities will try and tackle the push factors that cause counterurbanisation, such as congestion, pollution, and house prices They are doing this using several methods such as making housing more affordable for lower income families, for instance 40% of new housing in the London Docklands was to be sold at an affordable price to original residents
Fighting against counterurbanisation Improving the skills of original residents is another tactic to prevent counterurbanisation By I proving the skills of locals such as what the City Gateway charity did in the London Docklands means that original residents will not move out of an area when gentrification occurs Enterprise zones are set up by which taxes are lowered and planning restrictions relaxed in order to encourage businesses to locate to the area, for instance enterprise zones in the London Docklands meant that by 1998 2700 business had set up in the Docklands and the area attracted £7.7 billion Improving transport links can also be used to battle counterurbanisation as it should reduce congestion and pollution. In Coventry the park and ride scheme set up in the memorial park means that less cars will be entering the city centre. Also the buses are electric buses which reduces emissions New facilities can also be built in the urban areas to entice people to stay. For instance in the Docklands 5 new health centres were built and the ones that already existed were refurbished.
Positive impacts of reurbanisation Economy of city is boosted as people move back in due to the opening of new shops and services Due to this a reduction in unemployment occurs as these new shops and services offers jobs for the people of the city This can also have a knock on effect and reduce other factors such as crime rate due to reduced unemployment Due to more shops and services being opened tourism in the city may increase This would bring more money into the city which can then be used to improve the city further, ie building more attractions or improving public transport Due to people moving back into the city they may also bring their families with them which means more children in the city This can benefit local state schools as it means they will have more pupils attending the school Despite this because people moving back into the city are generally wealthier people they may chose to send their children to fee paying schools which may be better performing schools which are not located within the city
Negative impacts of reurbanisation People originally living in the city centre and inner city may be on lower incomes than the wealthier individuals moving back in This means that the original residents may no longer be able to afford living in the area and may have to relocate to cheaper areas in the city Because of this tension between original and new residents may arise which could increase crime rates New jobs created by the wealthier individuals may not be available to the original residents who are semiskilled workers who may not have the qualifications to apply to some of the new jobs available New shops and other public services like cafes may target the new wealthier inhabitants which means that the original residents may not be able to afford items in the new shops and will have to travel elsewhere to shop
Causes of reurbanisation Reurbanisation can be caused by push or pull factors Push factors are factors which force people away from where they currently are Pull factors are factors which entice people to a new area
Push factors Lack of jobs in some rural or suburban areas Rural areas consist of fewer leisure, recreational, or entertainment facilities, for instance factors regarding nightlife This means people have to travel distances to get to these facilities which may encourage them to move closer to the facilities Counter urbanisation can create high house prices in rural areas as wealthy people are moving away from the urban areas and into rural areas in the search of more space to live due to overcrowding in the inner city areas
Pull factors Wealthy people are attracted to the city in search of new developments This opportunity comes about due to industries moving out of the inner city via deindustrialisation and suburbanisation This means land is left derelict such as warehouses The government encourages development of brownfield sites rather than greenfield sites so it is a good opportunity for wealthy individuals to develop these derelict areas into high quality apartments for instance Urban development corporations buy derelict land within the city and decide how it should be used in order to encourage people back into the city ie they will encourage business back into these areas Most universities are in urban areas so students move into urban areas for education Young people may want to live close to their work and entertainment facilities which are mainly located in urban areas Once reurbanisation starts it encourages other businesses also to invest within the inner city
Managing reurbanisation Reurbanisation projects – guaranteeing affordable housing. Redevelopment programme in Camden guaranteed that 25% of new homes on the site would be affordable to council tenants and people on low incomes Charitable projects – aim to improve skills of existing population in inner city areas. This aims to increase employment levels. City Gateway is a charity set up in London Docklands. They run training courses to help disadvantaged young people learn new skills so that they cn be employed in the area
Features of reurbanisation and suburban intensification Gentrification Upgrading local shopping areas Large scale investment programmes and redevelopment schemes Sustainable communities Improved property value Larger presence of upper/middle class families New residential, commercial, leisure and recreational buildings Improved transport links Employment Enterprise zones Retail and business parks Densely packed housing
Gentrification High income families move back into the city centre This improves property value This means lower income families are forced out as they cannot afford the housing now Smaller business' are also displaced due to wealthier individuals renovating houses and stores
New uses for buildings Old shopping centre in Coventry city centre has been converted into a restaurant
Changing building densities New apartments built in Coventry city centre. Due to developments to Coventry university within the city centre new student accommodation has had to be built to house the increase in students attending the university
Upgrading shopping areas Refurbishments to the lower precinct in Coventry city centre
Improved transport links Introduction of park and ride schemes to avoid congestion in the city centre. The buses running this route are electric buses also which reduces emissions
Retail and business parks Coventry business park located in Canley. Bus routes around the area make it easily accessible from town, with bus lanes located around the business park
New recreational buildings Developments of Coventry university have brought about the Coventry university sports building which is open to the public too