Publications: SOC and Turbulence ISSI Team
Publications Phil. Trans. A (edited volume), book hardcopy, 10-20 articles, 200p or ISSI Space Science Reviews, book hardcopy, few articles, <500p Or Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Special Issue on “New Trends in SOC models” Introductory article, Prospectives of SOC, Definition of SOC, history of SOC concept (Watkins, Chapman, Pruessner, Crosby) (2) Measurement techniques of fractals, multi-fractals (Chapman, McAteer, Morales) Allometry, physical scaling laws (Aschwanden) Open issues of SOC in solar physics (Georgoulis, Dimitropoulou) Fractal reconnection and SOC (Nishizuka) Branching theory and SOC (Hergarten) Tokomak plasma dynamics and SOC (Sanchez) Criticality in rain, brain, and solar flares (Jensen, Morales) Multi-fractal driving, space weather (Martin Rypdal) Turbulence in space plasmas (Sharma, Uritsky) Science, viewpoint paper (2p)