Science Faculty Council Meeting YU Experience Hub TITLE Presenters March 14th, 2017 Presented by: Kathleen Winningham, Director YU Experience Hub
Agenda YU Experience Hub EE Common Language Role of YU Experience Hub Faculty-specific EE Support Role Hub Support for Science Co-op Questions?
YU Experience Hub Provides pan-university EE support for course, community and work focused EE and is positioned under the academic umbrella. Website: Key YU Experience Partners: Teaching Commons Student Success Centre Career Centre Learning Commons Community Engagement Centre York International Community & Alumni Relations EE Coordinators Group Faculties YU Experience Hub Office of the AVP, T&L
EE Common Language 117 courses 124 courses 53 courses 125 courses and programs 25 programs 13 programs EE opportunities are increasing across all Faculties and EE is an essential component of students’ course work and/or program of study community-based learning ( 117 courses), community-based research activities ( 124 courses), community-service learning (53 courses), placements (125 course and programs), internships ( 25 programs) and co-op programs (13 programs) The majority of York’s graduate programs are research-based and involve EE activities including the opportunity for internships in some areas. - Examples of EE projects are too numerous to list here and excellent examples off community based learning abound in all Faculties Some examples include unique projects like dance students in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design that received specialized training to lead weekly dance activity classes for more than 250 seniors at partner institutions across the GTA. The Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES) continues to make strides in community based research and community engagement through its Las Nubes program in Costa Rica.
Role of YU Experience Hub Common Language: developing, updating and socializing the common language to ensure broad understanding and adoption by academic and non-academic communities Communication & Coordination: collaborate with units across the university (e.g. Teaching Commons, TD Community Engagement Centre) who currently provide a variety of supports for EE’s primary audiences – students, faculty and community partners Community partner referral: establishing and providing a central point of contact and referral system for community partners interested in engaging in EE’ support opportunities to develop new partnerships Policy & Procedures Information & Research Evaluation: developing, in consultation w/ EE stakeholders, a framework for evaluating EE as it pertains to enhancing T&L, student success/engagement, community partner and internal stakeholder satisfaction, etc. Technical Resources
Faculty-specific EE Support Role
EE Definitions at York University Work Focused EE Definitions: Co-op Education: Alternate periods of paid work experience with periods of study – time spent at work must comprise at least 30% of time spent in academic study At York the Faculty of Science and the Lassonde School of Engineering have launched traditional co-op programs Pros: students earn while they learn, more marketable upon graduation, students can “test-drive” career areas
EE Definitions at York University Internships: One time, paid supervised work experiences after 3rd year Pros: students earn while they learn, spend a longer period of time at one employer…experience all phases of the business cycle…becoming more popular with employers At York the School of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies has an excellent Internship program for business students studying Accounting, Human Resources, Finance and Marketing etc.
Staff in the YU Experience Hub supporting Science Co-op Employer & Student Liaison Outreach and promotion to employers/ students Assess Applications Recruitment & Job Search Coordinator Student Job Search support Employer Recruitment support Internship Coordinator Course Registration Employer and Student Work Term Support Performance Reviews Work Term Reports Describe each person’s role on the team
WHAT STUDENT SUPPORT IS PROVIDED? Program Promotion and Information Dissemination One-on-One Job Search Advising Access to Exclusive Co-op Job Posting Board Work Term Support Career Centre TIP and HIP are a part of the York University Career Centre For interviews - may have option to have mock interview recorded Career Centre services are available to all York University students and new graduates - workshops, fairs, panels and other events Reasons why students may not be getting a response - late applications, not enough extracurricular activities, not enough job preparation – take advantage of 1-on-1 services.
SAMPLE EMPLOYERS Employers Here is a Sample list of Employers that you could potentially work for. These and many others are companies that we already have an established relationship with. Question: Are there any Employers that you are interested in working for? Show Symplicity job board.
Contact Information: Kathleen Winningham Director, YU Experience Hub ext. 40790 website: