Urea Biosynthesis Transamination. 2. Oxidative Deamination. c d S M E T B O L Urea Biosynthesis Transamination. 2. Oxidative Deamination. 3.Ammonia Transport. 4.Urea Cycle
A m I n o c d S M E T B O L 1.Transamination: it is the transfer of amine group (-NH2) from α amino acid to α keto acid catalyzed by a group of enzymes called transaminases enzymes require pyridoxal phosphate (B6) as a coenzymes . The transfer of amine group from one carbon skeleton to another is catalysed by a group of enzymes called (Aminotransferases) (Transaminases). These enzymes are found in the cytosol and mitochondria. Of all cells specially liver, kidney, intestine and muscles. All AA except lysine and threonine enter in the process of transamination at some point of its catabolism.
Only two transaminases are important: 1 Alanin transaminase(ALT). c d S M E T B O L Only two transaminases are important: 1 Alanin transaminase(ALT). 2 Aspartate transaminase (AST).
Only two transaminases are important: 1 Alanin transaminase(ALT). c d S M E T B O L Only two transaminases are important: 1 Alanin transaminase(ALT). 2 Aspartate transaminase (AST).
1) Alanin Aminotransferases (ALT) c d S M E T B O L 1) Alanin Aminotransferases (ALT) It is also called (Glutamate transaminase (GPT)). It is present in many tissues but it is mainly concentrated in the liver. It catalyze the transfer of the amino group of alanin to αketoglutarate ,resulting in the formation of pyruvate and glutamate
Alanin transaminase(ALT) cont. d S M E T B O L Alanin transaminase(ALT) cont. It is a reversible reaction,but during amino acid catabolism ,this enzyme functions in the direction of glutamate synthesis ,thus glutamate ,in effects , acts as a collector of nitrogen from alanine. It require the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate(B6). Aminotransferase act by transfering the amino group of an amino acid to the pyridoxal part of the coenzyme to generate pyridoxamine phosphate. The pyridoxamine form of the coenzyme then react with an α –ketoacide to from an amino acid , at the same time regenerating the original aldehyde form of the coenzyme.
It is important for the production of non- essential amino acids B O L It is important for the production of non- essential amino acids depending on the requirement of the cell. Its is an intracellular enzyme with the low level in the blood . the presence of elevated blood level of ALT indicates damage to cells rich in this enzyme . It is elevated (high level in the blood )as a result of cell damage and release of intracellular enzyme into the blood seen mainly in all liver dieses but are particularly high in conditions that cause extensive cell necrosis , such as severe viral hepatitis , toxic Injury and prolonged circulatory collapse . ALT is more specific for liver dieses . 2) Aspartate aminotransferases (AST) It is called glutamate – oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) AST transfers amino groups from glutamate to oxaloacetate forming aspartate which is used as a source of nitrogen in the urea cycle.
A m I n o c d S M E T B O L Aspartate donates its amino group, becoming the a-keto acid oxaloacetate. a-Ketoglutarate accepts the amino group, becoming the amino acid glutamate.
Also require the coenzyme pyridoxine phosphate ( a derivative B O L Also require the coenzyme pyridoxine phosphate ( a derivative of vitamin B6 ) . It is also a reversible reaction the equilibrium Constant Is near one , allowing the reaction to function in both amino acid degradation throw removal of α – amino groups ( after consumption of a protein – rich meal ) and biosynthesis through addition of amino groups to the carbon skeletons of α - keto acids (when the supply of amino acid from the diet is not adequate to meet synthetic needs of cells). It is also an intracellular enzyme with a low level found in Blood representing the release of cellular contents during normal cell turn over. The presence of high level of blood AST indicates damage to Cells rich in this enzyme mainly the myocardium (Myocardial Infarction) and muscle disorders.
2. Oxidative deamination c d S M E T B O L The amino acids undergo transamination finally concentrate nitrogen in Glutamate. Glutamate is the only amino acid undergoes oxidative deamination to liberate free NH3 for urea synthesis 2. Oxidative deamination Is the liberation of ammonia from amino group of amino acid coupled with oxidation. Occurs mostly in kidney and liver, The purpose of this reaction is to produce NH3 for urea synthesis and α ketoacids for variety of reaction(recycling) The amino group of most of AA are ultimately funneled to glutamate by means of transamination with α-ketoglutrate. by the action of glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme.`
Oxidative deamination: c d S M E T B O L Oxidative deamination: Glutamate dehydrogenase requires NAD+ or NADP+ as coenzyme. This is the only enzyme known that has specificity for both type of coenzyme.
A m I n o c d S M E T B O L 1)Glutamate rapidly undergoes oxidative deamination catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase to liberate ammonia using NAD or NADP as a coenzyme. H2O NH4 Glutamic Dehaydrogenase Glutamate α ketoglutarate NADP+ NADPH+H
Glutamine synthetase Glutamine NH4 Glutamate m I n o c d S M E T B O L H2O Glutamine synthetase Glutamate Glutamine ATP ADP +Pi
Glutaminase Glutamine Glutamate Urine m I 3)Urea Formation n o c d S M B O L 3)Urea Formation Glutaminase Glutamine Glutamate H2O NH4 Urine
After ingestion of protein rich meal . Liver glutamate level is d S M E T B O L After ingestion of protein rich meal . Liver glutamate level is elevated and the reaction proceeds in the direction of amino acid degradation and the formation of ammonia It is converted to α ketoglutarate with liberation of NH3.
Further when cellular energy levels are low . The degradation of m I n o c d S M E T B O L Further when cellular energy levels are low . The degradation of glutamate is increased to provide α ketoglutarate which enter the TCA cycle to produce energy. i.e. the reaction is used to synthesize amino acids from the corresponding α keto acids Fig 19-12 B)
A m I n o c d S M E T B O L
Non oxidative deamination: c d S M E T B O L Non oxidative deamination: Some amino acids can be deaminated to liberate NH4 without oxidation. Serine, homoserine and threonine , they undergo deamination catalysed by the enzyme dehydratase with pyridoxal phosphate as a coenzyme. Serine Threonine respective α ketoacids Homoserine dehydratase NH3
Desulfhydrase another enzyme catalysed non oxidative B O L Desulfhydrase another enzyme catalysed non oxidative deamination for sulfur amino acid cysteine and homocysteine desulfhydrase Cysteine Pyruvate NH3+H2S Histidine Urocanate Histidinase NH3
3.Ammonia Transport (Metabolic Fate Of d S M E T B O L Non Oxidative deamination A-Dehydratase B-Hydrolytic C-Direct Deamination 3.Ammonia Transport (Metabolic Fate Of Ammonia): (transport to the liver) Two mechanism are available for the transport of ammonia from the peripheral tissues to the liver for its ultimate conversion to urea . First uses glutamine synthetase to combine ammonia with glutamate to form glutamine figure 19 - 13 .
A m I n o c d S M E T B O L
The glutamine is transported in the blood to the liver where it is c d S M E T B O L The glutamine is transported in the blood to the liver where it is cleaved by glutaminase to produce glutamate and free ammonia . second transport mechanism used by muscle involves transamination of pyruvate to form alanine. Alanine is transported by the blood to the Liver , where it is converted to pyruvate again by transamination . In the liver the pathway of gluconeogenesis can use the pyruvate to Synthesize glucose , which can enter the blood and be used by muscle, a pathway called the glucose – alanine cycle .
A m I n o c d S M E T B O L Metabolism of Ammonia
Function of Ammonia: Toxicity of ammonia: m I n o d S M E T B O L Function of Ammonia: It is not a waste product of nitrogen metabolism . It is involved directly or via glutamine for the synthesis of many compound in the body , these include non-essential amino acids, purines, pyrimidines aspargine. Ammonium ions are very important to maintain acid- base balance in the body. Toxicity of ammonia: Elevation of blood ammonia is toxic to the brain leads to slurred speech, blurring of vision , tremors it may lead to coma and finally death. Hyperammonemia may be: A. genetic defect in urea synthesis due to a defective enzyme synthesis in any one of the five enzymes.
Glutamate dehydrogenase I n o c d S M E T B O L or B. acquired. The acquired may be due to hepatitis or alcoholism where urea synthesis become defective and NH3 accumulates. Explanation for ammonia toxicity: The reaction catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase may explain the toxic effect of ammonia in brain . Glutamate dehydrogenase α- ketoglutarate + NH3 Glutamate Accumulation of NH3 shifts the equilibrium to the right with more glutamate formation. hence more utilization of ketoglutarate and it is the a key intermediate in TCA cycle .
The net result is that production of energy (ATP) by the brain is m I n o c d S M E T B O L The net result is that production of energy (ATP) by the brain is reduced. The toxic effect of NH3 on brain are therefore due to impairment in ATP production.
Dietary protein Body protein m I n o c d S M E T B O L Dietary protein Body protein Protein synthesis Amino Acids αketoglutarate transamination Glutamate Deamination NH3 ketoacids Urea Energy An overview of amino acid metabolism Non essential amino acids Glucose Fat