Academic Affairs Update June Board of Regents 2017
1. Program Proposal Process 2. Economic and workforce development 3 1. Program Proposal Process 2. Economic and workforce development 3. Accreditation
Program Approval Process
Phase 1: In the fall of 2015, the KCTCS Chancellor formed a Curriculum Process Work Group with representatives from each KCTCS college to review the current curriculum process and make suggestions for enhancements with a special consideration to increasing efficiencies. The work group met during fall 2015 through spring 2016 and concluded their work with a presentation of eight recommendations. The KCTCS Academic Council, the President’s Cabinet, and the President’s Leadership Team reviewed the recommendations. Each of these groups endorsed the recommendations.
Phase 2: The recommendations were then presented to the KCTCS Senate Council on April 22, 2016. The KCTCS Senate Council members were asked to suggest faculty members to serve on a Curriculum Revision Implementation Ad Hoc committee and forward those nominations to the Chancellor to select one faculty per campus to serve.
Phase 3: The Curriculum Revision Implementation Ad Hoc committee began meeting in January 2017 with a charge to review the approved recommendations and create an implementation plan by fall 2018. The recommendations involved administrative changes, policy updates, and possible changes to the KCTCS Senate Rules.
Recommendations The Ad Hoc committee chairs presented two recommendations to the KCTCS Senate Council at the March 17, 2017 meeting. The two recommendations involve updates to the templates used by KCTCS colleges when preparing the formal documents for New Program requests to be reviewed by the KCTCS Board of Regents. KCTCS Senate Council voted unanimously to approve recommendations.
RECOMMENDATION A: Use the Council on Postsecondary Education’s (CPE’s) Kentucky Postsecondary Program Proposal System (KPPPS) template for Board of Regents new program approval when the college is adding a credential (AAS or diploma) for a currently existing program at the college or one that already exists in the current KCTCS program inventory. RECOMMENDATION B: The budget spreadsheet for the CPE’s KPPPS and the budget spreadsheet for the New Program Proposal should be identical, using the CPE spreadsheet as the template.
economic and Workforce development
From July 1, 2016, through November 3, 2016, KCTCS colleges awarded 23,129 hours of academic credit to 15,127 individuals and provided non-credit training for 16,984 individuals for 198,257 clock hours through workforce development training projects. For the fiscal year 2016-17, KCTCS has funded 93 business and industry training projects through April 26, 2017; the average wage is $28.68.
Current Status AND next report College Reaffirmed Next Reaffirmation Next Report Due Ashland 2008 2018 Compliance Certification March 1, 2017 Big Sandy Bluegrass 2010 2020 March 2019 Elizabethtown 2009 2019 March 2018 Gateway 2013 2023 Fifth-Year Interim Report September 14, 2018 Hazard 2007 2017 IN PROGRESS Henderson 2012 2022 September 15, 2017 Hopkinsville Jefferson Madisonville IN PROGRESS Maysville Owensboro 2016 2026 September 2021 Somerset Southcentral 2014 2024 September 13, 2019 Southeast West Kentucky
Quality Enhancement Plans College QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PLAN (QEP) Focus Ashland IMPROVE reading capabilities. New one in development and will be submitted 3/2017. Big Sandy INCREASE career awareness and planning for AA students (formerly undecided) enrolled in FYE 105 Bluegrass IMPROVE reading Elizabethtown IMPROVE the advising process. Gateway IMMPROVE non-academic assessment of student barriers, orientation to college and initial academic advising. Hazard IMPROVE student learning through FYE 105 course- will be implemented in Fall 2017. Henderson TRANSFORM the culture of advising. Hopkinsville IMPROVE reading comprehension Jefferson IMPROVE student success in math. Madisonville IMPROVE student engagement and success in an online learning environment. Maysville ENHANCE critical reading comprehension abilities. Owensboro INCREASE students’ knowledge and self-awareness, while also developing the professional skills necessary for achieving success in their academic, professional, and community lives. Somerset IMPROVE Critical thinking Southcentral INCREASE the academic success of our reading students. Southeast IMPROVE advising West Kentucky CREATE a culture of completion through curriculum mapping
What does Accreditation mean? Accreditation by SACSCOC signifies that the institution has: a mission appropriate to higher education; resources, programs, and services sufficient to accomplish and sustain that mission; and clearly specified educational objectives that are consistent with its mission, appropriate to the degrees it offers, and that indicate whether it is successful in achieving its stated objectives.
How does accreditation work? KCTCS is a system of 16 independently accredited institutions. Each college’s accreditation is reviewed twice every 10 years. Compliance Certification (decennial review) College must respond to all the Principles of Accreditation Must also submit their Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) The Fifth-Year Interim Report Respond to a subset of the Principles QEP is evaluated Between reviews the colleges are responsible for reporting any substantive changes to SACSCOC.
what is A substantive change? Definition: Substantive change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution. Institutional Obligations: Notify SACSCOC of changes in accordance with the substantive change policy and, when required, seek approval prior to the initiation of changes. Required to have a policy and procedure to ensure that all substantive changes are reported to the Commission in a timely fashion.
who monitors and Reports Changes? At the System Office Dr. Rhonda Tracy, Chancellor Ms. Mary Forbes, Director of Institutional Effectiveness Mr. Brian Perry, Assessment and Evaluation Coordinator At the colleges SACSCOC Liaisons (appointed by the President)
changes Resources SACSCOC Peer Team SharePoint site SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation Proposed Principles are under review Member institutions will approve at the Annual Conference in Dec 2017
Proposed/potential changes to the Principles: The institution incorporates an analysis of its distance learning programs, branch campuses, and off-campus instructional sites. The institution monitors its default rate on federal student loans and provides information and guidance to help borrowers manage their debt and repay their loans. The institution ensures the availability of archival information, relevant to course offerings and degree requirements, and sufficient to serve the needs of alumni and former and returning students. The institution has a policy and procedure to ensure that all substantive changes are reported to SACSCOC in a timely fashion.