Demo- Human earphones (Dichotic listening) Hearing Demo- Human earphones (Dichotic listening)
Characteristics of Sound SOUNDS WAVES VARY IN: Which Affect: Amplitude Loudness Wavelength (frequency) Pitch
Oooooohhhh,…. pictures
Frequency of Sound Waves The frequency of a sound wave is measured as the number of cycles per second (Hertz)
Sound waves Demo… Are there some frequencies we can’t hear? (Ring tones demo)
Anatomy of Ear Purpose of the structures in the ear is to measure… the frequency (pitch) of sound waves the amplitude (loudness) of sound waves
Step One: Outer Ear
Step Two: Middle Ear
Step Three : Inner Ear
Entire Process
How does the ear hear? Ear Animation
Theories of hearing… FREQUENCY THEORY= the rate of vibration of hair cells in cochlea determine pitch.
How do we hear pitch or tone? PLACE THEORY = The hair cells in your cochlea respond to different sounds based upon location. Some respond to High Pitch Some to Low Pitch
I am the master at opening traps!! How do I remember? I am the master at opening traps!! All Eager Hamsters and Squirrels open closed traps always Auditory Canal…Eardrum… Hammer….Anvil…Stirrup… Oval Window…Cochlea… Transduction… Auditory Nerve ME TOO!
Wrap up and review Review of S/P & Thresholds JND Apply
Thresholds… Difference Threshold- A “ just noticeable” difference( jnd) between two stimuli. It is the minimum difference perceivable between two stimuli. Weber’s Law
Thresholds… Sub threshold Absolute Threshold Difference Threshold A woman tries to use Spanish- “while she sleeps” A sentry on night duty notices a soft noise and call out “halt” A father takes his children to the playground. During the visit a child start to cry. Without looking, the father can tell it is not his child’s cry.
Sub threshold Absolute Threshold Difference Threshold There is a sale on 5 pound sacks of potatoes . In order to make sure you get the most for your money, you pick up several to see which is the heaviest. You help your friend look for the contact lens on her white kitchen floor. A music group records “ buy our tapes” backwards on one of their songs.