GOOD MORNING! Monday May 2, 2011 Materials for Today … GATSBY BOOKS NOTEBOOKS WRITING UTENSIL. Then take EVERYTHING else off of your desk! GOOD MORNING! Monday May 2, 2011
WORD PUZZLE! Doubt Shadow Of a Doubt
Objectives Review Chapter 8 Vocabulary Words Turn in Quizzes STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO … Review Chapter 8 Vocabulary Words Turn in Quizzes Download and take notes on a Word Template Transfer notes from PowerPoint to Template Begin reading chapter 8!
Agenda Week 23 Words: Review DL notes template from class website Take notes from PPT Start reading chapter 8!
CHAPTER 8 WEEK 23 VOCABULARY Vocabulary Words: Page 106 Vocabulary Homework: Page 107 CHAPTER 8 WEEK 23 VOCABULARY
Garrulous Part of Speech: ADJECTIVE Definition: Excessively talkative especially on trivial matters The students’ garrulous nature was at once both charismatic and irksome.
Incessant Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Annoyingly continuing without pause or interruption The incessant sounds of the vuvuzela during the World Cup in 2010 ruined it for me.
REDOLENT ADJECTIVE STRONGLY SUGGESTIVE Part of Speech: ADJECTIVE Definition: STRONGLY SUGGESTIVE OF SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST Prince William and Kate Middleton’s kiss after their marriage on April 29, 2011 was redolent of his mother’s first public kiss to Prince Charles on July 29, 1981.
PERVADE Part of Speech: VERB Definition: TO SPREAD THROUGHOUT AND PERCEIVED IN EVERY PART OF Much to my dismay, the smell of the fresh salmon I had just brought home pervaded every corner of the house.
PERVADE Part of Speech: VERB Definition: TO SPREAD THROUGHOUT AND PERCEIVED IN EVERY PART OF As soon as the three dudes from Jersey walked in, the smell of Aqua Di Gio, tanning lotion and hair gel pervaded the room.
MALICE The scorned woman’s malice led her to commit a terrible crime. Part of Speech: NOUN Definition: The intention or desire to do evil The scorned woman’s malice led her to commit a terrible crime.
INDISCERNABLE ADJECTIVE Part of Speech: ADJECTIVE Definition: Difficult to perceive or understand by sight or other senses The artist’s intent and message were indiscernible to me; but the lady next to me paid $7,500 for it. Apparently, she understood it.
BENEDICTION Part of Speech: NOUN Definition: An uttering or bestowing of a blessing especially at the end of a religious service At the end of every yoga class, the instructor always leaves us with a benediction of peace and calm for the days to come.
Gatsby Chapter 8 When they get back, Nick suggests that Gatsby take a break and go away for a while. Gatsby can’t bear being away from Daisy and stays Nick finally tells us how got all the information from chapter 6 on Gatsby
Gatsby Chapter 8 Gatsby reveals that he wanted to hit it and quit it, but he fell in love with Daisy. The relationship became difficult when they both realized the difference in their monetary background. Gatsby was then sent to war and Daisy said she’d wait for him. As we all know, she didn’t wait for him and she married Tom.
Gatsby Chapter 8 Gatsby does well for himself in the war. He earns medals and is courageous. He is then sent to Oxford for some time, despite his efforts to get back home to Daisy.
Gatsby Chapter 8 Back to the Wilsons. Mr. Wilson suddenly realizes that the bruises on Myrtle’s face and the expensive dog collar he finds are from the same man who she was having an affair with (Tom). He then connects the affair with the car that struck her.
Gatsby Chapter 6 Wilson goes on a rampage, determined to avenge his wife’s killer His detective work is on point and he finds his destination
Gatsby Chapter 8 And the poop hits the fan. Again.
NOW- Please take out your Gatsby Books! Open to ch. 8 STICKY NOTES!