Gatsby Chapter 1 March 20-21
Warm-Up Write a five sentence summary of Chapter One. Include who, what, where, and when details. Who was involved? What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? When finished: Place in bucket and begin reading your novel or Gatsby
Read Gatsby P. 10-11 1. The details in the first two paragraphs on page 10 reveal that: A. Nick and Tom are very close friends. B. Nick and his cousin Daisy are very close friends. C. Nick knows Tom better than he knows his cousin Daisy. D. Nick knows nothing about the Buchanans. 2. Which detail best supports the idea that Tom sees himself as dominant over the narrator? A. “ His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed” B. We were in the same senior society, and while we were never intimate I always had the impression he approved of me…” C. “I’ve got a nice place here,” he said, his eyes flashing about restlessly. D. “ Turning me around by one arm, he moved a broad flat hand along the front vista…” 3. Based on these pages, the reader may best infer that: A. Nick both admires and fears Tom B. Nick dislikes and disrespects Tom C. Nick has no real opinion about Tom D. Tom dislikes and rejects Nick 4. Create a HASHTAG FOR NICK and explain 5. CREATE A HASHTAG FOR TOM and explain
Chapter one Who is our narrator? Nick Carraway “ college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secrets griefs of wild, unknown men” “reserving judgment is a matter of infinite hope” “I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart.” No more partying! Works as a bonds man on Wall Street
Chapter one Tom Buchanan Known for sports – living in the past “His family was enormously wealthy” “It was a body capable of enormous leverage – a cruel body”
Read Gatsby p. 12-15 5. Fitzgerald uses the metaphor “Then there was a boom as Tom Buchanan shut the rear windows and the caught wind died out about the room, and the curtains and the rugs and the two young women ballooned slowly to the floor” to convey that: A. Tom does not like the wind B. Tom’s entrance changes the mood of the room C. The girls’ attitudes are improving D. The girls’ balloons have popped 6. The repetition of “bright” in the at the bottom of page 13 and top of 14 is to: A. Emphasize Daisy’s beauty B. Emphasize Daisy’s excitement C. Emphasize Daisy’s intelligence D. Emphasize Daisy’s confusion 7. Based on the sentence “The whole town is desolate” in the middle of 14, the word desolate means: A. Frightened B. Deserted C. Furious D. Melancholy 8. . The simile in the paragraph near the end of page 15, “ …like a young cadet”, suggests that: A. Miss Baker is in the military B. Miss Baker likes military men C. Miss Baker stands up straight and tall D. Miss Baker likes to fight
Give Me the Green Light
Make The Chart Dinner Party Ch. 1 Dinner Party Ch. 2
Read Gatsby p. 16-22 As You Read, put the following in the chart for Chapter 1: 1. Who is present at the party? 2. What topics are discussed? 3. What do they eat and drink? 4. How does the party end?
Collect Evidence For Today’s Chart If your topic is discussed in the chapter: -Gather direct quotes and the page number -Explain how your quotes relate to your topic If Your Topic is Not Covered: -Write Down 3 Important Quotes -Explain Why Each Is Important
HOMEWORK 1. Finish today’s evidence chart for Chapter 1 2. READ or SPARKNOTE CHAPTER 2 OF GATSBY