The Infinity Series Fuel Stock Blending System
What is The Infinity Series?
The Infinity Series is A Unique Fuel Stock Blending System Segregates and stages coal fuel stocks Blends diverse fuel stocks accurately and consistently Maintains integrity of the blend Provides blending options based on input from online analyzers or by TPH (Tons Per Hour) Spontaneously adjusts blend parameters to accommodate varying plant demand requirements Is scalable for unlimited throughput Incorporates environmental controls Is driven by a proprietary software program that facilitates the continuous operation of all aspects of receiving, blending and delivering of fuel stock to an end user Reduces overall fuel costs significantly
Who Needs The Infinity Series Fuel Stock Blending System? Coal-fired power plants Coal blending operations Coking Facilities Port operations Transfer stations Mining sites Terminals and Trans-loading Facilities
Coal Purchasing in the Current Market Profit-conscious plant operators are purchasing coal from multiple sources that usually vary in Btu quality and constituents such as sulfur, mercury, ash, vol and moisture.
Coal Blending To take advantage of the various lower-cost coals, it is necessary to blend the various stocks to obtain a preferred blend. The typical method is to push the piles together with heavy material moving equipment.
Typical Method of Blending
Coal Blending Once the coal stocks are blended using this method, you are left with an inconsistent blended coal supply. To improve or modify the blend, one must continue to add more coal to the mix and continue to push and hope.
The Infinity Series Method
The Infinity System
Drive-over Hoppers Each Hopper is designed to hold 5 truckloads of coal
Coal Receiving at Drive-over Hoppers and Bins
Staging Fuel Stocks
Pre-Blending at Receiving Hoppers
Segregating Fuel Stocks
Precise Blending Fuel Stocks
The Infinity Series 1200 in Operation Segregating Fuel Stocks
The innovative Infinity Series 1200 segregates, stores, reclaims and blends diverse fuel stocks consistently and accurately to the power plant’s desired specifications.
Control Room Operator Receiving Screen
Control Room Operator Stack out Screen
Control Room Operator Delivery Screen
Control Room Operator Reclaim Delivery Screen
Control Room Operator A-Belt Coal Flow Screen
Control Room Operator Master Graph Screen
Control Room Operator Overview Screen
The Infinity Series 1200