English & U.S. History Paper 11th Grade 2011 1865 & TRANSCENDENTALISM English & U.S. History Paper 11th Grade 2011
RALPH WALDO EMERSON THE SELECTED WRITINGS “An American essayist, lecturer, and poet, who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.” Historical Connections: American identity
MARGARET FULLER WOMAN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY “Presents an indictment of the role and treatment of women in the nineteenth century, written by a woman who is often referred to as America's first true feminist.” Historical Connections: Early feminism
HENRY DAVID THOREAU WALDEN & CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE “An American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moral opposition to an unjust state.” Historical Connections: American identity
WALT WHITMAN LEAVES OF GRASS “An American poet, essayist and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works. Whitman is among the most influential poets in the American canon, often called the father of free verse.” Historical Connections: Romantic ideals