Kid Wind Design Challenge Designed By: Daniel Krzywicki and Will Vaeth Team Name: The Walruses 5-8 Coaches Name: Pamela Urbanek-Childs Email Address: Clarence Middle School
Our Team Tell us about your team: Our team The Walruses, we are both sixth graders for Clarence Middle School in the 5-8 division.
Design Brief Problem Statement (What is the problem that your teacher has given you to solve?): we have to save fossil fuels and the only way to do that is to make wind turbines. The wind turbines create reusable energy which does not pollute. Wind never runs out and fossil fuels do. Design Statement (How are you going to solve this problem? Include the process you are going to take to solve the given problem) : we are going to solve this problem by making a wind turbine. We are going to design blades to create electricity from the wind. This will help the environment and the atmosphere
Design Brief Constraints (What you can and cannot do/use.): cant use metal can use balsa wood can use chloroplast can use cardboard tubes size with light Heavy number of blades 12 Deliverables (What materials and items you need to solve this problem cardboard scissors hub
Design Table Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4 Design 5 Constraint: WIEGHT BALSA WOOD CARDBOARD ARODYNAMICS STRENGH Total Design 1 2 4 3 15 Design 2 1 11 Design 3 16 Design 4 18 Design 5 8 Best 4 3 2 1 Worst Ranking
Blade Testing Round 1 3 30 1.10 yes 2 40 0.94 10 1.91 yes Blade Description: looks like a Razor Blade Material: Cardboard Blade Length (cm): 23cm Trial Number of Blades Tilt Degree Volts Produced Gears Wind Speed 1 3 30 1.10 yes 4 2 2 40 0.94 3 10 1.91 yes 2.3
Blade Testing Round 2 3 30 .47 yes 20 1.01 50 .37 yes Blade Description: The Boomerang Blade Material: chloroplast Blade Length (cm):29cm Trial Number of Blades Tilt Degree Volts Produced Gears Wind Speed 1 3 30 .47 yes 4 2 20 1.01 3 50 .37 yes 2.3
Our Best Test Number of Blades: Geared or Direct Drive: Photo of Turbine Number of Blades: Geared or Direct Drive: Generator Used : KidWind Wind Turbine Generator
Our Best Test Wind Speed: Blade Length: Turbine Rotor Swept Area: Turbine Voltage: Resistor Value: 54 ohms