Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig & International Activities Topic: Topic: All About Me! Area: Mathematics and Numeracy Class: Green Date:05/09/16 Activities Activities ICT Activities IXL .com, HelpKidzLearn number rhymes, RMMaths Role play – Home Corner play & Bun Shop, Candy’s Sale shop – Paying for items, Coin Recognition, sorting and matching coins Goldilocks and the Three Bears One to one correspondence, counting bears, bowls, spoons, chairs and beds to three 10 in the bed rhyme counting, take away ‘one less’ Boo Zoo Stories- (Number) Kevin and the Missing Buns Counting buns, one to one correspondence, order number to 5/10 on buns, add ‘one more’ and take away ‘one less’ using buns, pay for buns in role play shop, match & sort coins Alfie’s Toothache- count teeth, sequence numbers to 5 on teeth, count forwards and backwards when counting teeth, add ‘one more’ and take away ‘one less’ using teeth, Ordinal numbers Grand Opening Candy’s Sale Pay for buns in role play shop, match & sort coins Helpful George Sequence story using ordinal numbers Sports Day Ordinal numbers Computing Activities ICT Activities IXL .com NGFL Cymru/Hwb Pentre Bach stories RM Maths IWB Boo Zoo Stories Individualised iPad apps Crickweb number activities Balloons, fish HelpKidzLearn ICT number rhymes Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig & International Activities NGFL Cymru/Hwb Pentre Bach stories Sw Boo stories Diwali
Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig & Interbational Skills Class: Green Date: 05/09/16 Topic: Topic: All About Me! Area: Mathematics and Numeracy : Skills Using Number Skills To point to an object or vocalise at an appropriate moment to indicate a number when an adult is counting. To count 2 or 3 objects with support To recite numbers to 3, then to 5 To reliably count up to 3 objects, then 5 To name and order numerals to at least 3 To ‘add more’ to, or ‘take away’ from, a set when the task is structured by an adult, and can re-count to find new total. To give a coin in exchange for an item after observing others do so in role play shop (may have no notion of coin’s value but will engage in the social interaction). To find coins from a limited collection which are the same as ones shown by an adult. sort coins according to one attribute, e.g. colour, size or shape. To realise that anything can be counted e.g. claps, steps To listen to and join in with rhymes, songs, stories and games that have a mathematical theme To recite numbers from 0 to 10 forwards and backwards using songs and rhymes To use mark making to represent numbers in play activities that can be interpreted and explained To compare and order numbers to at least 5 To demonstrate an understanding of one-to-one correspondence by matching pairs of objects or pictures To use the terms ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’ and ‘last’ in daily activities and play To understand and use the concept of ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ in their play LNF Targets Literacy (Oracy) To use a few very familiar words, signs or symbols To use single words and a growing number of brief phrases ‘all gone’, ‘drink please’ to express wishes and or needs To find a symbol/picture for a desired item and add to a phrase on a sentence strip, PC or tablet computer. To communicate mostly about familiar objects, people, or pictures immediately present but can also refer to their absence. To communicate about familiar stories and symbolic play, as well as people, places and events from their wider experience Numeracy (Using Number Skills) To anticipate climax in familiar number songs or rhymes (showing emergent recognition of number words) To recite numbers 1 to 3 To count 2 or 3 objects with support To count reliably up to 3 objects To count reliably up to 10 objects To compare and order numbers to at least 10 e.g. understand which number comes ‘before’ and ‘after’ and which is the ‘biggest, ‘smallest number’ Computing Skills Uses art package with touch screen to create effects (P3(ii)) Presses switch to activate object (P4) Operates control device in response to visual prompt (P4) Select from 2 switches with verbal prompt (P5) Matches objects to pictures on screen (P5) Match shapes to shapes on screen (P5) Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig & Interbational Skills To view an listen carefully to a variety of visual and audio-visual stimuli To listen to familiar and unfamiliar voices