ADVANTAGES OF BEETS 25 T Dm per ha achievable High Water use efficiency – approx 6 Ml per Ha 95 % Grazing utilisation Early November plant – Late Feb graze Feed lactating cows up to 5 kg DM/day Feed dry cows > 10 kg Dm / Day 12 Mj Me but lower protein, balance ration accordingly Feed cost approx 14 C per Kg DM
PLAN WELL AHEAD Prepare paddock to a good standard. Must have recent soil test. Big crop, Big requirements. pH must be 5.5> Prepare seed bed as early as possible, aim for double knock down. Sow into adequate soil moisture. Soil temp above 10C. Plan herbicide program based on expected weeds. Avoid paddocks with chemical residue. Must be prepared to inspect crop regularly and react immediately to any issues.
SEED BED PREPERATION sets the potential of crop crucial step – “it’s all in the preparation” Points: incorporate base fertiliser during last surface working no clumps/clods/trash – all WILL harbour weeds/insects fineness of ‘vegetable' seed bed, not too firm (avoid crusting) leave in state of fallow-conserve moisture, weed/insect control as long as there is no organic matter, moisture will hold at depth target 80% capacity at 0-50cm
NUTRITION Typical 25 ton crop can use 100 kg/ha Nitrogen 60 kg/ha Phosphorus 300 kg/ha Potassium 30 kg/ha Sulfur 40 kg/ha Calcium 35 kg/ha Magnesium 2.5 kg/ha Boron Up to 100 kg/ha Agricultural salt
WATCH THE CROP Maintain soil moisture at field capacity until full crop emergence Early post emergent herbicide 2 leaf stage Top dress fertiliser 4 – 6 leaf stage Selective grass weed control pre canopy cover Top dress fertiliser 10 + leaf stage Monitor soil moisture, insects & weeds throughout
SUMMER FIT IN WA Spring sown, irrigation 120-150 day growing – Oct/Nov Feb/March feeding Low cost feed option, high WUE, about 6ml/ha. What animals can graze it? Lactating cows – lower feed costs, increase margin Dry cows & heifers – low cost, increase Condition Score Steers Weaners – out of season finishing Older store cattle – already framed, high LW gain
Economics Feed Cost - Growing Fodder beet on Farm Feed Cost - Growing Fodder beet on Farm Actuals Crop grown 2014 $/ha Spraying out Pasture $65.00 Fertiliser $945.00 Herbicide / Insecticide $995.00 Cultivation & Ground prep $240.00 Seed $485.00 Seed Insecticide & Herbicide Lime (2.5 t/ha) Planting $90.00 Weed Control 2nd knockdown Irrigation $566.84 Total Costs $3,516.84 Costs c/kgDM fed 14.067 c/kgDM
WATER USE EFFICIENCY COMPARISON Forage WUE ME NDF CP Option t DM/ML MJ ME/kg DM % Fodder beets 7-8 12.0 12-15 6-10 Maize 5-6 10.5-11.0 45-50 8-9 Sudan grass 4-6 11.0-12.5 45-55 10-12 Forage sorghum 10.0-11.0 50-60 Millet 2.0-2.5 10.5-11.5 40-50 8-10 Forage brassicas 2.0-3.0 12-13 18-30 12-18 Lucerne 9.0-11.0 40-55 20-32 Chicory 11-13 20-30 15-20 Kikuyu 1.5-2.0 45-60 Tall fescue/clover 1.2-1.4 11-12 18-25 Perennial ryegrass/clover 1.0-1.2 42-50 Italian ryegrass
Seed Force Benefits Summary High energy 12ME Fodder and Sugar Beet Benefits Summary High yields High energy 12ME Cost effective, low cost per kgDM/ME Unsurpassed utilisation 95+% grazed, 100% harvest Versatile – graze, self harvest, mechanical harvest High feeding levels = low supplement costs