The Writing and Research Workshop Series 8. Citing your Sources in APA Style UCQ Learning Commons
The Writing and Research Process Phase 1: Understanding Getting Started Phase 2: Planning Selecting and Narrowing your Topic Developing your Thesis Searching Effectively Choosing Appropriate Resources Creating your Outline Phase 3: Writing Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Quoting Citing your Sources in APA Style Revising your Draft
Why is referencing important? It makes it clear where the words and ideas in your paper came from It enables your readers to find and explore the information for themselves It allows your professor to evaluate your ideas and see which sources you use It protects your academic integrity by showing that you are honest about where the ideas you present come from
Bibliographic reference What does APA require? The two parts of APA APA style referencing has two basic components: In-text citation Bibliographic reference
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference The in-text, or parenthetical, citation appears within your paper, immediately after the information you have used from a research source.
APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference There are two simple parts of the in-text, or parenthetical, citation: In one study (El Sabbah, 2009), several differences were noted… The author’s last name The year that the source was published
APA Referencing In one study (National Association of Nurses, 2009)… In-text citation Bibliographic reference Sometimes the author is a group or association: In one study (National Association of Nurses, 2009)… The name of the group The year that the source was published
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference For the bibliographic references, there are several pieces of information that you must keep track of. Take note of these while you are doing your research. Authors and editors. (Publication date). Title. Title. Publication Information. URL for internet sources
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference For a book or report: Authors. (Publication date). Title of the book. Publication Information. Book with two authors: Dange, S. & Ahmed, M. (2009). Surgery and recovery. London, England: British Medical Press.
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference For one chapter in an edited book: Authors. (Publication date). Title of chapter. In Editors (Ed.), Title of book (page numbers). Publication Information. Berezetsky, G. (2009). Post-surgery care. In A. Abdullah (Ed.), The complete guide to nursing (pp. 118-143). Washington, DC: Humphrey Medical Texts.
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference For a journal article found online: Authors. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of periodical, volume (issue). Retrieved from URL Calabretto, J.P. & Swatman, P. (2008). Designing digital documents to support medication management. Electronic Journal of Health Informatics, 3 (1), 12-17. Retrieved from
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference For a web page: Authors. (Publication date). Title of web page. Title of Website. Retrieved from URL The National Infertility Association. (2008). Coping with infertility. RESOLVE. Retrieved from home
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing In-text citation Bibliographic reference For a web page with no author: Title of web page. (Publication date). Title of Website. Retrieved from URL Morning sickness: Causes, concerns, treatments. (2006). Babycentre. Retrieved from sickness-causes-concerns-treatments_254.bc
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing Exercise In-text citation Bibliographic reference Go to this website. Find the following information: Authors. (Publication date). Title of web page. Title of Website. Retrieved from URL
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing Exercise In-text citation Bibliographic reference With the information from that website, complete the following: Approximately ______________ people are afflicted with asthma globally (__________). According to ___________ (_____), more children have asthma than any other lifelong condition.
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing Exercise In-text citation Bibliographic reference With the information from that website, give a complete bibliographic reference:
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing Exercise In-text citation Bibliographic reference For the paraphrase from last week, give the two forms of reference:
Bibliographic reference APA Referencing Exercise In-text citation Bibliographic reference Provide the two forms of reference for the resource you have been given. Use the guide to determine your answer.
Next Week: Phase 3: Writing your Assignment 9. Revising your Draft
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UCQ Learning Commons Research Support Come to the Learning Commons for help and advice with your research. Go to the the Learning Commons desk, or contact Chris at, or Keltie at