Water Conservation – Water, A precious resource PRESENTED BY Rajeswari.C.B – Rajeswari_cb@ymail.com
DIFFERENT STATES OF WATER Gaseous Form – E.g. Present in Air around us Liquid Form – E.g. Present in Ocean, Lakes & Underground water Solid Form –E.g. Ice-caps and Glaciers At poles
WATER WAYLIFE CYCLE There are 3 types of water cycle Atmospheric water cycle 1580-its is driven by heat of sun, the basic water life cycle Cosmic water cycle 1999-it is about water exists at outer surface of earth. Meteorites extract water from outer surface and while entering they spread out the water molecules on air.
Continued.. Oceanic water cycle (recent scientific research) related to movement of ocean water to land. Here the process of condensation, precipitation and discharge of water takes place in form of rain
WATER TABLE & ITS SCOPE Water table is said to be water which is saturated under ground from rain/rivers… This leads to extraction of ground water to consume more water by humans..
REASONS FOR DEPELITION OF WATER TABLE Deforestation & Scanty Rainfall Excessive consumption by increasing population Decrease in SEEPAGE area Excessive usage by agricultural activities Increase in industries & Searching of minerals and metallic elements
A FEW FACTS THAT MADE A WATER A PRECIOUS RESOURCE In 1990, the average person used 183 gallons of water per day. UK Liquid : 1 gallon = 4.546 09 liter US Liquid : 1 gallon = 3.785 411 8 liter Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mixed with it. 2 per cent is fresh water that has been frozen in glaciers, icebergs and ice caps. More water spent on turf.
Continued… Human can live without food for 3 months but without water cant live more than week You can save nearly 700 gallons of water per month simply by shortening your shower by one or two minutes Coriolis Effect caused in pacific ocean – a great toxic island called THE PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH . It about 7 lac Sq. KM to 15 lac Sq. KM of area filled with non degradable plastic content
VARIOUS METHODS OF WATER CONSERVATION Drip irrigation Rain water harvesting Plant vegetation Roof top harvesting Zero net deforestation Zero net deforestation is the recent method of water conservation implemented in African countries due to lack of water. Zero net deforestation refers to no deforestation anywhere including restoring the forest areas , because it also has chances of destroying forest fields
Continued… Plant vegetation – planting agricultural crops can avoid the depletion of water table in … Drip irrigation – slow process of letting down the water to plant roots. Tie ridging methods – it is the method used instead of rain water harvesting in drought lands like Malawi in Africa
Continued.. Soil management Weather applications Organic farming methods Bawri –a traditional method Infiltration Construction dams…
BEST METHOD OF WATER CONSERVATION – XERISCAPE 1981 The purpose of Xeriscape was to popularize landscape water conservation and to educate people about the importance of water to humans and other life forms. GOAL-Planning and designing for beauty and water conservation from the beginning. Reduces water use, fertilizer use, pesticide use, Lower maintenance costs, Reduces runoff, Preserves Topsoil, Drought Tolerant, Lower maintenance needs – can save up to 39% of water
Water , A Precious Resource Water , A precious resource is not only said from wasting it , but also from issues of consumption of more water than required , polluting water and lack of water…. Industrial wastes , drainage, other degradable pollutants… Saving and keeping clean water is our duty…
Today Generation is Tomorrow roof , but if we took most part of it than required , what would be left for our future generation people …. Use water wisely and be a water conservator
Save water for all creatures