Career and Technical Center Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center 1005 N. President George Bush Hwy. Garland, Texas 75040 Motion (Basic) Note: This video template is optimized for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. In PowerPoint 2007, video elements will play, but any content overlapping the video bars will be covered by the video when in slideshow mode. In PowerPoint 2003, video will not play, but the poster frame of the videos will remain in place as static images. The video: Plays automatically after each slide transition. Is 15 seconds long. Seamlessly loops for infinite playback. To add slides or change layout: To add a new slide, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, click the arrow under New Slide, then click under Motion Background Theme, then select the desired layout. To change the layout of an existing slide, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, then select the desired layout. Other animated elements: Any animated element you insert will begin after the slide transition and the background video has started.
GRCTC The center allows students regardless of their home campus to explore career interests and gain employable skills through certifications in advanced career and technology courses. Courses include everything from animation to culinary arts to engineering, offered in the morning and afternoon sessions.
The Career Clusters offered A: Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources – Veterinary Medical Applications B: Architecture & Construction – Advanced Architectural Design, Advanced Interior Design, Electrical Technology C: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications – Advanced Fashion Design, Fashion Design and Marketing, Printing and Imaging D: Business Management & Administration – Business Management, Medical Coding and Billing, Microsoft Office Specialist
The Career Clusters continued F: Finance – Advanced Accounting, Financial Trading and Investment H: Health Science – Certified Nursing Assisting, Dental Assisting, Emergency Medical Technician, Pharmacy Technician I: Hospitality & Tourism – Culinary Arts, Advanced Hospitality K: Information Technology – Computer Maintenance, Network Administration and Cyber Security, Web design, Software and Game Development L: Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security – Fire Fighter
The Career Clusters at the Center M: Manufacturing – Machining and Fabrication, Manufacturing Engineering N: Marketing – Entrepreneurship and Marketing Management, Fashion Design and Marketing O: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) – Advanced Engineering, Advanced Robotics and Automation P: Transportation, Distribution and Logistics – Logistics Technology, Outdoor Power
Who can attend? Juniors and seniors who are genuinely interested in taking advanced courses, have met the prerequisite and the course selected aligns with the student’s endorsement or career interest.
Sample Student Schedule for 2017-2018 D A D B Trm Bldg Room Course/Cls Course Description Teacher Credits 1 S1 012 107 8C901A/01 Practicum in Animation A Bush, G 1.000 2 3B 005 145 21619A/02 PRECALCULUS Reg A Blue, J 0.500 4 195 42401S/03 Economics Reg Green, T 5 214 10142A/02 English IV Reg A Red, S 6 239 42215S/03 US Government Black, W 7D 137 83420A/01 Anatomy & Physiology R A White, B 8 88128A/01 Fashion Design A Brown, C S2 8C901B/01 Practicum in Animation B 21619B/02 PRECALCULUS Reg B A2701S/03 Teen Leadership Smith, D 10142B/02 English IV Reg B 88596S/03 Money Matters Jones, M 83420B/01 Anatomy & Physiology R B 88128B/01 Fashion Design B
GRCTC Request for Course Survey Before you complete this survey, answer these questions? Am I genuinely interested in taking a course at the center? Will my before/after school activities or work responsibilities interfere with me taking a course at the center? Is this course required for graduation? Will the course I select align with my goals after graduation? Your school counselor will be meeting with you to discuss your options.
I am in. If you are genuinely interested in taking a course at the GRCTC, you teacher will assist you in accessing the survey in Skyward.
Is this your final answer?
Accessing Course Request Survey Students who are interested in taking courses at the new GRCTC should complete the Course Request Survey in Skyward. To access the Survey students MUST use the desktop version of Skyward that can be found on the Garland ISD website: . Note: Students should complete a separate survey for each course they are interested in taking at the GRCTC. This must be completed before the Complete Step 1 Only button is clicked. See step 7 below.