Occupation Health & Safety Act Skill Trades 1201
Occupation Health & Safety Act A statute (law) that ensures occupational health and safety. These include the various occupational health and safety acts and regulations and the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulations.
Occupation Health & Safety Its purpose is to protect workers against health and safety hazards on the job.
Occupation Health & Safety Ergonomics – A science that seeks to adapt work or working conditions to suit the worker.
Occupation Health & Safety By implementing Ergonomics into the elements of an OH&S program the number of soft tissue injuries can be prevented.
Occupation Health & Safety The OHSA is based on an Internal Responsibility System (IRS) - A concept based on the principle that the workplace parties themselves are in the best position to identify health and safety problems.
Occupation Health & Safety There are several provisions in the OHSA aimed at fostering the IRS. These include but are not limited to: Responsibilities and duties of employers, supervisors and workers. The requirement for employers that regularly employ more than five employees to have a health and safety policy and program.
Occupation Health & Safety The requirements concerning worker health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees. The three basic rights of all workers--The Right to Participate; The Right to Know; The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work.
Occupation Health & Safety Three basic rights of all workers: 1. The right to know about what hazards there are in the workplace and what precautions must be taken to prevent injuries from these hazards.
Occupation Health & Safety 2. The right to participate in safety and health activities in the workplace without fear of any form of discriminatory action such as discipline.
Occupation Health & Safety 3. The right to refuse work that one reasonably believes can be dangerous to oneself or others.
Occupation Health & Safety Employers’ Responsibilities: Ensure the health, safety and welfare of their workers.
Occupation Health & Safety Employers’ Responsibilities: Provide and maintain safe equipment, systems and tools.
Occupation Health & Safety Employers’ Responsibilities: Provide information, instruction, training and supervision and facilities.
Occupation Health & Safety Employers’ Responsibilities: Ensure that workers, and particularly supervisors, are familiar with all hazards.
Occupation Health & Safety Employers’ Responsibilities: Consult and co-operate with the occupational health and safety committee.
Occupation Health & Safety Employers’ Responsibilities: Conduct his or her business so non-employees are not exposed to health or safety hazards.
Occupation Health & Safety Employers’ Responsibilities: Ensure that workers are given operating instruction for the devices and equipment provided for their protection.
Occupation Health & Safety Workers’ Responsibilities: Take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and that of workers.
Occupation Health & Safety Workers’ Responsibilities: Consult and co-operate with the occupational health and safety committee.
Occupation Health & Safety Workers’ Responsibilities: Report unsafe conditions in the workplace.
Occupation Health & Safety Workers’ Responsibilities: Properly use all safety clothing, equipment and devices that are provided.
Occupation Health & Safety OH&S Officers (The Enforcer and Judge): They administer the OHSA and the regulations. They can act as inspectors to ensure that the Act and its regulations are being followed by employers, supervisors, and workers.
Occupation Health & Safety OH&S Officers Responsibilities: Enter and inspect a workplace, without notification.
Occupation Health & Safety OH&S Officers Responsibilities: Require the production of records, books, plans or other documents that relate to safety.
Occupation Health & Safety OH&S Officers Responsibilities: Conduct test, inspect and take samples of anything being produced or used in the workplace.
Occupation Health & Safety OH&S Officers Responsibilities: Conduct investigations to determine the cause of an accident.
Occupation Health & Safety OH&S Officers Responsibilities: Immediately stop all or a portion of the work if there is an immediate health or safety risk.
Occupation Health & Safety OH&S Officers Responsibilities: Order the employer to take the remedial measures necessary to ensure that the work can be conducted without further risk.
Occupation Health & Safety Committee: Where 10 or more workers are employed at a workplace, the employer shall establish an OH&S committee to monitor the workplace.
Occupation Health & Safety Committee: Where less than 10 workers are employed at a workplace, a Worker Health and Safety representative is required.
Occupation Health & Safety Committee: Committees or a representative are elected by the workers or appointed by the union.
Occupation Health & Safety The Right to Refuse: A worker may refuse to do work that the worker has reasonable grounds to believe is dangerous to his or her health or safety, or the health and safety of another person at the workplace:
Occupation Health & Safety Until remedial action has been taken by the employer to the worker's satisfaction; Until the committee has advised the worker to return to work; or Until an officer has advised the worker to return to work.
Occupation Health & Safety The Right to Refuse: Where a worker refuses to do work, the employer may reassign the worker to other equivalent work.
Occupation Health & Safety The Right to Refuse: Where a worker is reassigned to other work, the employer shall pay the worker the same wages as their normal work.
Occupation Health & Safety The Right to Refuse: Where a worker has refused to work and has not been reassigned to other work, the employer shall pay the worker the same wages the worker would have normally received.
Occupation Health & Safety The Right to Refuse: A reassignment of work is not a discriminatory action. A worker shall not take advantage of his or her right to refuse to work without reasonable grounds.
Occupation Health & Safety Accidents: Where an accident takes place at a workplace the worker must: Report the injury to the employer immediately. Visit a doctor as soon as possible.
Occupation Health & Safety Complete Form 6 (Worker’s Report of Injury) and submit it to the Worker’s Health and Safety Compensation Commission (WHSCC) within 3 days of the accident.
Occupation Health & Safety Accidents: Where an accident takes place at a workplace the employer must: Complete Form 7 (Employer’s Report of Injury) and submit it to the WHSCC within 3 days of the accident.
Occupation Health & Safety Offer modified work or ease back to work during the recovery period of the worker. Make changes to prevent further injury.