Information for Parents and Carers Year 6 sats 2017 Information for Parents and Carers
What are the SATs tests? All children at the end of Year 6 (May) Six externally marked tests Measure how close your child is to being at the standard expected Nationally at the end of Key Stage 2 Mathematics papers: Arithmetic (1), Reasoning (2) and Reasoning (3) Long Reading Test Spelling and Grammar Papers (SPaG) Teacher assessments, including science and writing (June)
How important are they? Government benchmarking Progress measures from Key Stage 1 Informing expectations at Key Stage 3 and beyond School progress Performance on one day For children? Preparation for future experiences Doing our best Showing what we can do
How will the tests be marked?
Monday 8th – Thursday 11th May 2017 Timetable Mornings When, where and how? Monday 8th – Thursday 11th May 2017 Timetable Mornings Breakfast, revision session, test Tests are unseen by all Tests take place in classroom Some children may be supported elsewhere Some children may be granted extra time Some children may have some of their work transcribed All children – no holidays please!
What will the tests look like? Reading Test 1hr Reading Booklet – three texts Question booklet Range of question types: 1, 2 and 3 marks
Vocabulary – reading strategies – challenge – reason why we are working on these strategies – new levels of demand
What will the tests look like? Mathematics Arithmetic 1 – 30 minutes Calculations without context – written methods Reasoning 2 and 3 – 45 minutes each Range of calculations, worded contexts and multi-step problems Progressively more difficult
Grammar and Spelling Grammar Test – 45 minutes Sentences, word types, punctuation and grammatical terminology Spelling test – 20 words Read out by teachers to their classes with sentences for contextual understanding
How will the school support my child? Fully prepared for the demands of the test – steady, calm, informed approach Extra lessons to develop strategy, revise terminology and practice SATs style questions – Reading comprehension; Grammar and spelling; Arithmetic; Problem solving and Reasoning Study skills, learning behaviours and wellbeing sessions Homework club/support daily Targeted homework Practise tests and questions Online resources
What can I do to support my child? Sleep, balance of play and exercise with study Attendance, study space and time Encourage independence Key skills - reading, multiplication tables, maths facts Homework – increasingly test related Talk to us - encourage your child to talk to us
Should I be doing practise papers with my child Should I be doing practise papers with my child? How will I know what to work on with them? Avoid printing full papers off Use the resources we guide you to Revision books Success comes from a blend: - Key skills - Varied approaches - Personal targets - Continued curriculum teaching Redirect children back to us
What is my child aiming for? Your child’s teacher will tell you the expected outcome for your child Below Working Toward National (Achieve 100) Above (Achieve 100+) Mastery Curriculum targets from Tests and classroom learning Targeted parents’ evening
What next? Practise tests in school Targets set – print out Online resources School website Homework Revision folders Revision Books Parents’ meetings Spellings and tables/maths facts