NEA/AFT Item Review Boot Camp Model Content Frameworks In Mathematics A Closer Look at the Model Content Frameworks In Mathematics Doug Sovde, Director Content and Instructional Supports, PARCC, Inc Achieve Created in 1996 by the nation's governors and corporate leaders, Achieve is an independent, bipartisan, non-profit education reform organization based in Washington, D.C. that helps states raise academic standards and graduation requirements, improve assessments and strengthen accountability.
Overview What is the purpose of the PARCC Model Content Frameworks? How are the Mathematics Frameworks structured? How might they be used to improve classroom instruction, student learning, and student performance on the PARCC assessments?
PARCC will provide information to determine how students are progressing in that learning. States, districts, schools, and teachers can use this information to inform Student interventions Systemic changes Curricular and instructional adjustments
Create High-Quality Assessments Flexible Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) Extended tasks Applications of concepts and skills End-of-Year Assessment Innovative, computer-based items Early Assessment Early indicator of student knowledge and skills to inform instruction, supports, and PD Mid-Year Assessment Performance-based Emphasis on hard to measure standards Potentially summative TALKING POINTS Graphic depiction of the assessment system. The PARCC assessment system will: Better reflect the sophisticated knowledge and skills found in the English and math Common Core State Standards Include a mix of item types (e.g., short answer, richer multiple choice, longer open response, performance-based) Make significant use of technology Include testing at key points throughout the year to give teachers, parents and students better information about whether students are on track or need additional support in particular areas ELA/Literacy Speaking Listening Summative assessment for accountability Formative assessment 4
New Conceptual Framework for Assessment Design: ECD Source: Pellegrino, Meryl, Huff, AERA 2009
Purpose and Audience of the Model Content Frameworks Purpose: The MCF provide a bridge between the CCSS and PARCC Support implementation of the Common Core State Standards Inform development of item specifications and blueprints for the PARCC assessments in grades 3–8 and high school. Audiences State and local curriculum directors Teachers and building administrators
Development Process State-led process that included mathematics content experts in PARCC member states and members of the Common Core State Standards writing team, including feedback from PARCC’s Educator Leader Cadres (24 educators from each PARCC state). Three rounds of feedback; nearly 1,000 individual comments were submitted from K–12 educators, principals, superintendents, higher education faculty, school board members, parents, and students during August public review
Key Elements of the Model Content Frameworks Examples of key advances from the previous grade Fluency expectations or examples of culminating standards Examples of major within-grade dependencies Examples of opportunities for connections among standards, clusters or domains Examples of opportunities for in-depth focus Examples of opportunities for connecting mathematical content and mathematical practices Content emphases by cluster The Model Content Framework for Mathematics for each grade is written with the expectation that students develop content knowledge, conceptual understanding and expertise with the Standards for Mathematical Practice. A detailed description of all features of the standards would be significantly lengthier and denser. For that reason, the analyses given here are intended to be valuable starting points. The Model Content Frameworks for Mathematics provide guidance for grades 3–8 and high school across a number of areas…
Introduction The strong focus of the Standards in early grades is arithmetic along with the components of measurement that embody it. That includes the concepts underlying arithmetic, the skills of arithmetic computation, and the ability to apply arithmetic to solve problems and put arithmetic to engaging uses. Arithmetic in the K–5 standards is an important life skill, as well as a thinking subject and a rehearsal for algebra in the middle grades. Excerpt from the K-2 MCF, pending feedback
Grade 3 Example
Grade 3 Example
Grade 3 Example
Possible Uses of the Model Content Frameworks TPS: How might you use the MCF or encourage others to use them?
Making Use of the Model Content Frameworks for Professional Development The Goals - (1) Strengthen teacher knowledge and implementation of the Standards and their understanding of the Assessments that link to them (2) Provide information that helps guide instructional planning and implementation that truly integrates instruction and assessment for long term student learning
Making Use of the Model Content Frameworks for Professional Development (3) Encourage a move away from “mindless” test taking practice to purposeful application of standards-based skills and strategies along with opportunities for on-going assessment structures that are modeled after the PARCC assessments and embedded in instruction (4) Foster collaboration among educators to improve practice and support student learning.
promotes a shared vision - district/school/classroom is long term Making Use of the Model Content Frameworks for Professional Development Effective Professional Development -- promotes a shared vision - district/school/classroom is long term is embedded in practice - both teaching & learning focuses on - whole school & individual teacher needs involves collaboration - across & within grade levels
Fostering a Shared Vision Whole School Level Presentations and discussions of the CCSS and PARCC with an examination of curricular adjustments already made & possibilities for additional change Resources: Focus group levels - Long term, planned program of meetings (1) Self contained classrooms - same & contiguous levels (2) Departmental settings - ELA & Content Areas collaborate/share responsibility
The Process: in a Nutshell Plan long-term schedule of meetings Learn all you can about the CCSS & PARCC Use what you know to plan/adjust curriculum Learn all you can about what your students know and are able to do relative to CCSS & PARCC Use what you learn to Scaffold and Differentiate instruction Focus on underlying tasks required to successfully meet standards and assessment Select strategies to try out; meet/share/discuss results; reflect & adjust practice; continue with new strategies/attempts at implementation
Departmental Settings Select & Focus on specific instructional strategies Meet, select & discuss strategies selected for special attention; address concurrently Address strategies one at a time throughout the year(s), consistently adding to repertoire Integrate strategies from science where applicable meet/share/discuss results/review/revise
Guidance for Teachers (Mathematics) Key advances in the standards between grade levels Fluency expectations and major within-grade dependencies Connections among standards, clusters, or domains Opportunities for In-Depth Focus Opportunities for Connecting Mathematical Content and Mathematical Practices There are many different ways teachers may use the content frameworks as they begin to implement the standards into their instructional programs. An important first step, after reading the standards themselves carefully, would be to read the introductory section of the Content Frameworks.
Effective Instructional Strategies ALL levels - ELA & Content Areas Combine Practices and Content Standards Focus, Focus, Focus, while also presenting opportunities for connections Integrate/simulate “types” of tasks (PARCC prototype items) as instructional strategies applied to content under study
The CCSS and PARCC foster Learning How to Learn Teach to specific needs through a meaningful CCSS-based curriculum Avoid mindless practice on simulated PARCC or other assessment tasks in isolation of meaningful content under study. Mindless practice does not encourage the thinking and ownership of the processes needed for transfer to new situations. Effective Teaching and Learning IS Responsible Test Preparation
Guidance for Building Administrators Using the content frameworks to guide discussions around implementation of the standards Use the frameworks to support increased focus and coherence in instructional programs Using the frameworks to gain a deeper understanding of the role of the practices in cooperation with the content, to support student learning As instructional leaders, it’s critical that building administrators understand the standards and how to facilitate dialogue across the school regarding standards implementation.
Guidance for Curriculum Developers Using the content frameworks with the standards to sketch out potential model instructional unit plans Use the frameworks to support increased focus and coherence in instructional programs Recognizing the shifts in the standards from grade to grade and using these shifts as grade level curricula are developed and as materials are purchased to align with the curricula The content frameworks were designed with curriculum developers in mind. Today, I want to focus on three critical means to maximize use of the frameworks as curricula are developed.
Apply Consider your current circumstances. Determine three action steps that you will take, beginning on Monday, to make use of the MCF:
Comments and Questions?
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