Literary Elements Mr. Jordan
Point of View the vantage point at which a story is told 1st Person- the main character is narrating the story. 3rd Person Limited- The narrator is an outside observer and can only tell us the thoughts and feelings of a single character 3rd Person Omniscient- the narrator is all knowing. The narrator can reveal thoughts and feelings from many or all characters in the story.
Character Types Static Character Dynamic Character Characters experience varying amounts of change over the course of a story. Two types of characters are: Static Character does not experience basic character changes during the course of the story. Dynamic Character experience changes throughout the plot of a story. Although the change may be sudden, it is expected based on the story’s events.
Protagonist vs Antagonist The protagonist is the main character in a work of literature. The antagonist is the character in a work of literature that opposes the protagonist. Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist in The Hunger Games. Who is the antagonist?
Conflict a struggle or clash between opposing characters or forces Internal Conflict- takes place within a character's mind External Conflict- character struggles against some outside force character vs character- an external conflict where one character is in conflict with another character character vs nature- an external conflict where is in conflict with a natural force character vs self- an internal conflict where a character must make a decision.
Foreshadowing foreshadowing is the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot Ex: Algernon’s deterioration and ultimately his death foreshadow what?
Symbol Person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well. What does the Mockingjay symbolize in The Hunger Games?
Theme Themes are truth about life revealed in a work of literature. What is the author trying to teach us about the subject of the novel?
Allusion a reference to a statement, person, place, or an event from literature, history, religion, mythology, politics, sports, or science What does the biblical allusion make us think about in Flowers for Algernon?
Climax vs Resolution The climax is the most emotional or suspenseful moment in the story The resolution is when the characters problems are solved and the story ends