Linz School of Education (LSEd)


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Presentation transcript:

Linz School of Education (LSEd) Dept. of STEM Education Division for Didactics of Physics Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Erich Steinbauer Didactics of Physics at the JKU What are we doing? What are our intentions? Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU History Founded in 1991 as Dept. for Didactics of Physics within the Institute of Experimental Physics At that time it was a pure service institution for providing Experiments shown in physics lectures Practical exercises for physics and physics teacher students Sepcialized lectures and practical exercises for physics teacher students From 1995: extension of activities to present state In-service teacher training, programs for giftet pupils, … 2016/17: Transfer of the Division to LSEd Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Staff Permanent Christian Walter Physics teacher at lower/upper secondary school responsible for the education of physics teacher students (practical exercises for school experiments) NN (hopefully) responsible for teacher education, student lab experiments, lecture experiments Erich Steinbauer Head of the division, atomic physicist responsible for many things (see later) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU External Lecturers (not complete) Engelbert Stütz (physics teacher) Lectures about didactics of physics Hans Glavnik (physics teacher) Computer science in physics education Wolfgang Rößler (physics teacher) History of physics, book author Peter Bauer (atomic physicist) Transformation of modern physics to school level (seminar) Medical physics (lecture) Oswald Benka (atomic physicist) Practical exercises for molecular biology Medical physics (practical exercises) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Activities of the Division (What are we doing?) Teaching Didactics education of physics teacher students In new curriculum: Collaboration with PH OOe, PH Linz Practical exercises and lecture experiments for various study programs of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (TNF) Physics Teacher Education (secondary) Technical Physics Electronics and Information Technology Molecular Biosciences Dedicated lectures and seminars E.g. History of Physics, … Technical Electronics, Advanced Measuring Techniques, Programming (C/C++), Medical Physics (Steinbauer) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Activities of the Division (What are we doing?) Experimental Developments New experiments for practical exercises and lectures Development of electronic equipment for Academic institutions (e.g. multichannel analyzer) Schools (data acquision interface for diBox) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Example 1: Statistics of radioactive decay practical exercises (teacher students, technical physics) Radioactive decays are statistically independent (reason: decay occurs in a single nucleus) Time between 2 events has exponential distribution Fires in buildings can be statistically independent (reason: careless people) What about a criminal arsonist (incendiary)? Disturbs exponential distribution! Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Example 2: Computer tomography practical exercises in medical physics (teacher students, technical physics) Fully functional, homemade CT unit with image acquisition software Students can interfere at any step of CT image acquisition Spatial resolution compareable to commercial devices (< 1 mm) (see nutshell above) However: Object diameter < 5 cm, acquisition time about 30 min Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Example 3: Data acquisition interface for schools Schools are equipped with diBox data acquisition system for physics school experiments diBox cannot be used with modern PCs Interface enables diBox to be connected to USB More than 20 programs (Labview) support data acqusition More than 20 schools use this new interface at present Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Activities of the Division (What are we doing?) In-service Teacher Training Seminars on several topics Acoustics Modern Microscopy Atomic and Medical Physics Digital Electronics School Experiments … Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Activities of the Division (What are we doing?) Programs for gifted pupils Cooperation with the International Academy Traunkirchen Cooperation with Stiftung Talente Oberösterreich Young Physics Scientists (part of JKU Young Scientists) Information and Recruitment Programs of the JKU Frauen in die Technik (FIT) Studieninformationsmesse (SIM) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Example: JKU Young Scientists Collaboration of JKU, school authorities and Upper Austrian industries Started with polymer chemistry and physics programs (Young Polymer / Physics Scientists) At present most disciplines at the TNF are involved Computer Sciences Electronics and Information Technology Mathematics Mechatronics Physics Polymer Chemistry Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Young Physics Scientists Part 1 takes place at the JKU Up to 25 participants per year (from upper secondary) 4 weekends (Friday / Saturday) 4 experiments from the field of „surface science“ Friday: theoretical introduction Saturday: experiments using the research equipment of the Dept. of Atomic and Surface Science (Peter Zeppenfeld) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Young Physics Scientists Part 2 (optional): takes place at an industrial partner site, e.g. VA Stahl, Hueck Folien, BMW, … Paid holiday internship at a partner site or at one of the physics institutes Part 3 (optional) The results of parts 1 and/or 2 can be used at school („Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit“) Application for „Hans Riegel Fachpreis“ (Haribo …) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Young Physics Scientists Experiment 1: Introduction to Surface Science Photelectron emission microscope (PEEM) Experiment 2: Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) Experiment 3: Surface analysis with electrons (Auger spectrometry) Experiment 4: Surface analysis with ions at the AN700 particle accelerator (RBS – Rutherford backscattering analysis) Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018

Didactics of Physics at the JKU We are open for Discussions Collaborations … Thank you for your attention! Dept. of STEM Education, Division for Didactics of Physics 06.05.2018