Industrial Psychology Genap 2014/2015
Basic class information Dr. Ni Made Juwita Rustiani, S.Psi, M.Psi Email : Phone : 081220344253 (sms only on office hour) Reference book: Bisen, Priya, 2010,Industrial Psychology, New Age International
Supplement Spector, P., Industrial and Organizational Psychology, any edition
MUST DO : Read the material beforehand Baca buku sebelum kuliah
Methods Presentation: Study case UTS UAS Quizes (assign and pop quiz) Each week @2 groups Graded right away Study case UTS UAS Quizes (assign and pop quiz)
Basic class information Class attendace: comply to FRI rule Grading compositions: UAS 25% UTS 25% Group assignments 25% Individual assignments 20% Others 5%
Basic class information Attitudes count 10 minutes late tolerance
Overview agenda 1 Introduction 2 Ch 1, 2, 3, quiz 3 Presentasi Ch 4 & 6 4 Presentasi Ch 7 & 8 5 Review, feedback, quiz 6 Presentasi Ch 9 & 10 7 Presentasi Ch 5, Review 8 UTS 9 Review, feedback UTS, Presentasi Ch 11 & 12 10 Presentasi Ch 13 & 14 11 Presentasi Ch 16 & 18 12 Review, feedback, presentasi Ch 15 13 Presentasi Ch 17 14 Presentasi Ch 19 15 Review, feedback sebelum UAS 16 UAS
Chapters’ titles 4 = Time and Motion study 5 = Motivation 6 = Job satisfaction 7 = Stress 8 = Organizational culture 9 = Leadership 10 = Group dynamics 11 = Work environment 12 = Industrial fatigue 13 = Industrial boredom 14 = Industrial accident & safety 15 = Job analysis 16 = Recruitment and selection 17 = Reliability & validity of recruitment test 18 = Performance management 19 = Training & development
Special chapters Ch 5, 15, 17 are special Minimum score: 80
What do you know about industrial psychology?? Why this is important for you??
What is industrial psychology Psychology is the science of behaviour in relation to environment. Industrial psychology is concerned with people's work-related values, attitudes and behaviours, and how these are influenced by the conditions in which they work. Thus industrial psychology is the systematic study of the behaviour of the people at work. It studies how the social, industrial, economic, political and other factors affect the behaviour of the people at work.
Dual focus in industrial psychology: Efficiency/productivity of organizations Health/well-being of employees Dual nature Application of the science of psychology to the workplace Development/discovery of scientific psychological principles at work
Let’s do it! Now Class coordinator ----HP and e mail Make 10 ---right now Chapter distribution----diundi
Next meeting agenda (INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT) READ: SUMMARIZED---DIKUMPULKAN, 1 day before class Chapter 1: PSYCHOLOGY, INDUSTRIAL and ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, HRM Differences between the terms Scope of industrial and organizational psychology Chapter 2: SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT Chapter 3: THE HOWTHORNE STUDY What, why, how these subject related to Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Format Umum Makalah Tugas Besar Bab 1: Latar belakang (alasan mengapa topik tsb penting, identifikasi masalah) Alasan = berdasarkan fenomena dan teori Bab 2: Teori-teori yang relevan (yang digunakan) Bab 3: Analisis: Contoh kasus real terkait topik baik atau tidak; efektif atau tidak; efisien atau tidak perusahaan/organisasi dalam praktek topik tsb Mengapa? Kaitkan dengan teori Bab IV Kesimpulan dan Saran Daftar Pustaka, minimal 3 sumber lain di luar buku referensi wajib Tugas dikumpulkan min 1 hari sebelum perkuliahan di mulai melalui email (Paper and Power point)