Software Engineering (1) Ahmed Abdelmageed, MSc Lecturer, Comp Science Dept
Module Description An introductory course to software engineering, covering the principles of software development methodologies, software design and modeling techniques as well as software testing and evolution.
Module Objectives You should leave this course with: Understanding the role of software in systems. Understanding the importance of SE practices. Differentiate between software processes and be able to make tradeoffs. Applying a set of SE tools and techniques to solve real-world problems.
Relation with other modules 5th year Software Engineering (2) 4th year Software Engineering (1) 2nd year System Analysis and Design
Course outlines Week Topic Week 1 Introduction to SE Week 2 Software process Week 3 Agile software development 1 Week 4 Agile software development 2 Week 5 Requirement engineering Week 6 System modelling 1 Week 7 ******EID Break******** Week 8 System modelling 2 Week 9 Architecture design Week 10 *****Mid Term Exam***** Week 11 Design and implementation 1 Week 12 Design and implementation 2 Week 13 Design and implementation 3 Week 14 Course review and Wrap-up.
Tutorials Object-oriented Analysis and design: Use-case diagram. Class diagram. Sequence diagram. State diagram. Component diagram,….
Assessment Tutorials: 25% Mid-term: 15% Final exam: 60%
Contacts Office hours: Wed 8-10 Course materials are available on:
SE is Art or Science ?
Is it really Engineering?
Career in SE Business Analyst Software Engineer Software Designer Solution Architect ……
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