Mr Keen and Mrs Billingsley Year 6 Spring Term Welcome to the Spring Term in Year 6. We have a very busy term ahead of us in the run up to Easter. We have some exciting artistic activities planned and we will be getting ready for our SATs tests at the beginning of the Summer Term Mr Keen and Mrs Billingsley
Literacy Numeracy Science Fiction and Poetry: Place i) Narrative (story writing) ii) Longer classic poetry, including narrative poetry. iii) Play scripts Non-Fiction: i) non-chronological reports (i.e. to Describe and classify); ii) Explanations iii) Persuasive Texts iv) Play scripts Place Value, ordering, rounding. Understanding x and ÷. Money and ‘real life’ problems. Fractions, decimals and percentages Shape and space.. Measures, including Ratio and proportion. Handling Data. Using a calculator. Mental and paper strategies for + and -. Reasoning about Numbers. Numeracy Science Micro-organisms How we hear How we see
How do you want to be remembered? During this topic we will be studying artists and designers from a number of time periods. We will try to create artwork based on the styles of a number of painters; create sculptures from a variety of materials and we will also be making cars in our Design and Technology lessons. We will also look at how ICT can help us to research, perform and record creative information; how to record and perform our own work and how gestures and movement are an important art form. We’ll also be finding out how different art forms and different cultures and countries influence each other and look at the links between Art and history/geography. R.E. P.E. Local study / Our Faith including Humanism Team Games/ gymnastics/ dance Music Composing and performing P.S.H.E. Diversity and difference
Homework Friday- Literacy and Numeracy homework handed out Both due in on Wednesday. Any homework to support other curriculum subjects will be set as required Spelling patterns will continue to be taught in school and tested weekly. We will continue to monitor free writing for spelling checks. Clubs Children will continue to be informed of the school clubs. Any changes will be discussed in school assembly P.E. kit We have planned PE sessions in the hall during the week. Please can you ensure that a PE kit (indoor and outdoor) is sent into school and left in school during each half term. We will send PE kits home at each half term break for washing.