Name of your planet Your name Days Description of how planet got its name Picture of your planet Your name Days
Location & Size Position in the Solar System (Where is your planet located such as Earth is the third planet from the Sun) How far from the Sun your planet is Size of your planet (must include a number and units) How it rates in terms of the other planets for size (biggest, smallest, etc.),
Physical Features Composition of your planet (rocky or a gas planet) Your planet’s mass How its mass rate in terms of the other planets (biggest, smallest, etc.) Temperature range on your planet
Appearance Planet appearance Special features on your planet Rings
Year and Day Length How long it takes for your planet to orbit the Sun (year length: this is 365 days for Earth) How long it takes for your planet to rotate on its own axis (day length: this 24 hours on Earth.)
Moons Does your planet have moons Number of moons, if there are any Name of the largest moon, if there is one
#1 Travel Destination Tell why someone should visit this planet, what they might be able to see or do, what they will remember most about their visit, etc. Remember, your goal is to persuade travelers to visit your planet because it’s the “Number One Travel Destination in our Solar System.”
Works Cited For at least 3 websites (not search engines), give the COMPLETE web address. For at least 1 book/poster, give the title and author (or give the publisher if you can’t determine the author)