neptune By Josh
Solar system 8th planet from the Sun Outside the Asteroid belt 8th largest planet in solar system How long to orbit the sun:164.79 years.
neptune is known for Its extreme weather.
Name and Symbol My planet was name after the god of the sea.
Temperature Negative-353 ˚F Very cold Can you live on this planet? NO
Description What does your planet look like it is a round blue planet with clouds . How many moons:14 moons. Name one moon: Triton.
What my planet is Made Of It is made up of solid or gas: gas Clouds: yes Rings: yes Larger or smaller than Earth? Larger
Satellite or robot Name of one satellite or robot that explored your planet: Voyager 2 The year it arrived is 1989
Interesting Facts 1.Neptune has wind speeds that are 2,100 km/hour. 2.Neptune is a giant ice, gas ball. 3.Did you know it takes 16 hours for one day on Neptune. 4.Neptune is 94,532 km by diameter, and 1.0247 kg by mass. 5.Neptune is 4,504,000,000 km from the Sun.