Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Lies Against God’s Wisdom Many people who accept the Bible doubt that what God He says either applies to them or is the best thing. The devil tells all sorts of lies, but ultimately his lies are against the character and nature of God Satan’s lies & slander deceived Eve, he has been doing the same ever since
General Slanders against God’s Wisdom Genesis 3:5 - Satan slanders God’s wisdom in restricting them from the Knowledge of Good and Evil Finite man tries to force the infinite God into the box with him and restrict God’s wisdom to his own.
General Slanders against God’s Wisdom Man’s rationality is at best a flawed reflection of God, but starkly different - Isaiah 55:9 Satan slanders God’s wisdom by finding & feeding your sense of pride so that you think you know better
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Theology Theologians err when intellectual pride pushes them to limit God by their own understanding We strive to resolve theological tensions, but we cannot demand it (Matt. 13:17; 1 Pet. 1:10-12; Deut. 29:29) Context is to control interpretation & not theological systems
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Creation The academic world rejects it because of their philosophy is limited to their own wisdom Some reject God altogether while others advocate a lesser god of their own imagination
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Creation Tragically, many Christians subject their interpretation of the Bible to secular musings They reject the God of the Bible for a lesser god they can understand according to their own wisdom
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Redemption The wisdom of God operates on a different plane - Isaiah 55:6-9 The wisdom of man rejects the gospel - 1 Corinthians 1:21-25 Human wisdom demands that there must be some work on the part of humans to achieve favor with God
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Lying Ephesians 4:25 - Yet many professing Christians do routinely lie Lies for personal convenience. Why do we lack the courage to be honest and the grace to be loving?
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Lying Lies to achieve goals and avoid problems Satan’s slanders can make the prohibition on lying seem unwise & unloving Man’s wisdom usually differs from God’s because the goals are not the same.
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Life’s Purpose Matthew 6:19-21 Few Christians actually subject their life goals to God's wisdom, most still pursue the things of this world Material possessions can quickly lose value, be destroyed or stolen Fame is fleeting and the crowds’ cheers can quickly turn to boos
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Life’s Purpose Those in power are eventually replaced by those wanting that power / position Pleasure is momentary and has a diminishing return What would you sacrifice / compromise to gain the things in the world you want?
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Life’s Purpose Worldly wisdom dictates making finances / the economy the priority. Godly wisdom focuses on morality Worldly wisdom dictates preserving your treasures by all means. Godly wisdom keeps God’s priorities
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Life’s Provision Matthew 6:19-24 - man will be controlled by what he sets his heart upon Matthew 6:25-32. God commanded us not to be anxious, for He cares & provides for all creation Matthew 6:33. We are to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first. He will take care of providing
Slanders Against God’s Wisdom Life’s Provision Man’s wisdom compromises God’s kingdom and righteousness in order to provide for self. Ephesians 6:5-8. Our real boss is Jesus Christ regardless of who signs the paycheck Business ethics have rapidly degenerated because man’s wisdom has supplanted God’s wisdom
Discerning Godly & Worldly Wisdom 1) Compare what is being suggested with what God says about the same subject in His word If needed, spend the time researching the issue in the Scriptures to find its direction
Discerning Godly Wisdom & Worldly Wisdom 2) Examine the behavior & deeds of those advising you and the outcome of following that advice - James 3:13-18
Worldly wisdom Jealousy Selfish ambition Arrogance Hypocrisy Lying Godly wisdom Peace Gentleness Reason Mercy Good fruits Steadfastness Sincerity
Are you walking in submission to the Lord’s wisdom or trying to succeed on your own? What marks your wisdom?
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ