Fojo-MRDI Project Improving Qualitative Journalism in Bangladesh
Project Duration September 2016 – August 2021
Project Specific objectives Media in Bangladesh contributes to strengthen democracy and gender equality, greater respect for human rights and freedom from oppression.
Intermediate outcomes Targeted media houses and news providers publish qualitative journalism, particularly on themes related to gender equality, labor rights, corruption and environmental impact and climate change
Targeted partners Leading national media outlets Leading internet based news providers (bloggers and freelancers) Editors’ council of Bangladesh Newspaper Owners’ Association of Bangladesh (NOAB) Association of Television Channel Owners (ATCO) Press Institute of Bangladesh Key civil society organisations holding expertise in the focus areas of the programme
Activities Baseline, mid-term and end line studies Investigative Journalism Partnership Mentoring programme for investigative journalists Trainee programme for the Potential Future Editors/Editors-in-chiefs and Media Managers Safety programmes and trainings Organizational support to sector wide associations
Activities National award for best investigative journalism stories Thematic Forums on corruption, environment/climate change, labour rights and gender equality Training of trainers at the Press Institute of Bangladesh Help desk service on Right to Information Act Media Innovation Hub
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