Spring semester exam project Create a 30 to 60-second video featuring a topic relevant to Ridge Point It can be a commercial like “join Student Council” or “Wear purple on Fridays” It can be a feature story about someone or something Seniors! Traffic! Social media! Clubs and organizations!
Spring semester exam project You can work in groups of one, two or three The final video should be turned in to Google Drive by midnight on Monday, May 23, 2016 We will watch and critique each video in class
Exam grading rubric Criteria Max Approval of project before start 5 Video composition and quality 10 Use of b-roll with voiceover Audio quality Editing quality, including use of proper slates (RP purple white or white with purple) Tells a solid story 15 Is shot from the field (art room, fieldhouse, tennis court) Is at least 30 seconds but not more than 60 Includes at least one interview Includes rolling credits at the end Overall effort Total 100