Prototype Serial Zero VPEPN/H-201 Research Project “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Device” Prototype Serial Zero VPEPN/H-201 Apparatus and corresponding Method which integrates the quantified diagnosis mode as well as selective and specialized therapy mode through the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technology for Cure cancer and HIV/Aids Principal inventor: Ing. Lázaro Eusebio Hernández Pérez Patent holder : MRI-DT, S.A. de C.V.
Proposal main objectives Enable Nuclear Magnetic Resonance apparatus for: 1.- Contributing with a quantified diagnostic in values of resonance frequencies. 2.- Emmitt specific radiation for a selective and specialized therapy
Acreditation in the National Registration of Scientific and Technological Institutions and Companies MRI-DT, SA de CV - RENIECYT / CONACYT
Patent granted in United States
Patent granted in MEXICO
Patent granted in South Korea
Patent granted in Israel
Patent granted in Europe “EPO”
Patent granted in Republic of China
Intellectual property National phases 1. USA (Granted in June/2008) 2. Mexico (Granted in August/2008) 3. South Korea (Granted in October/2009) 4. Israel (Granted in January/2011) 5. European Patent Office “EPO” (Granted in November/2011) Germany, England, France, Netherlands, Switzerland , Italy and Spain 6. China (Granted in December/2012) 7. Canada 8. Japan
Participant Institution MRI-DT, S.A. de C.V.
MRI-DT / “CTB” & “UPM” PROJECT´S TITLE There is a contract (CONCLUDED) to perform the “R&D” between MRI-DT and the Polytechnic University of Madrid “UPM” Center for Biomedical Technology “CTB” PROJECT´S TITLE “Study the viability of a system of hyperthermia induction in cancerous cells through Hydrogen Nuclear Magnetic Resonance”
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Systems Used only for diagnose Functional Scheme 16 13 14 15 10 9 17 19 20 21 23 24 22 11 12 1 3 2 4 6 7 5 27 8
Conventional image and respective spectra obtained via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectral differentation through NMR of different types of cerebral pathologies
25 26 18 MNR Prototype Serial Zero VPEPN/H-201 Quantitative diagnosis in values of resonance frequecies Hardware Incorporated 8 1 J D H / 2 3 I 6 A X 25 26 28 57LY/20VI 78LY-LE/24VI 18 22 2 3 2 4 25 26 1 1 3 2 27 4 5 6 18 11 7 8 2 1 2 1 9 17 17 9 1 7 11 12 1 3 1 4 1 5 16 1 12 12
Tridimensional spectra of the pathology, showing the area of therapeutic interest which will be the “target” of our therapy
or from the Area of therapeutic interest of the same. Tridimensional spectra of the area of therapeutic Interest of the pathology, overlapped in the matrix of frequencies Only by the previous contrasting, is that we can obtain the exact and personalized value of resonance frequency that is specific of a pathology, or from the Area of therapeutic interest of the same.
18 16 NMR Prototype Serial Zero VPEPN/H-201 Selective and specialized therapy Modified Hardware 18 78LY-LE/24VI 28 57LY/20VI 8 1 J D H / 2 3 I 6 A X 25 26 16 10 13 4 2 4 3 22 27 1 1 3 2 4 5 6 18 11 7 8 2 1 2 1 9 17 17 9 1 7 11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16 10 12 12
Patent radiation proposal Application main criteria The RF applied through NMR complies with the therapeutic objective in a specialized and selective way ENERGY CONTRIBUTION Due to the use of a particular sequence of pulses to the (s) selected RF (s) to be (s) identified as of therapeutic interest, this therapy does NOT cause harmful secondary effects.
Conventional Radiotherapies Vs Patent´s Radiotherapy Patent Radiotherapy Ionizing Radiations Non-Ionizing Radiations Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cobalt therapy Linear accelerator Gamma knife Brachytherapy Etc. Prototype Serial Zero VPEPN/H-201
Prototype Serial Zero VPEPN/H-201 Quantitative Diagnosis in values of resonance frequecies Selective and Specialized Therapy 16 10 13 4 2 4 3 22 27 78LY-LE/24VI 28 57LY/20VI 18 8 1 J D H / 2 3 I 6 A X 25 26 1 1 3 2 4 5 6 18 11 7 8 2 1 2 1 9 17 17 9 1 7 11 12 13 1 4 1 5 16 10 12 12
MRI-DT, S.A. de C.V. Corporative Typology The business model of MRI-DT, S.A. de C.V. is highly leveraged in KNOWLEDGE, own for the type of Open Innovation and Global 360 market approach suggested by Mr. Henry Chesbrough, father of the "Open Innovation". Such type of enterprises are able to generate high revenue without deploying vast armies of staff and/or billions of dollars in physical assets... With an impressive business model built around: key technologies (as it is precisely the case of our scientific proposal) and their respective intellectual property.
Viability criteria Scientific Technical Commercial The application of the physical principle in which the patent is based, is provable in a theoretical and an experimental level Technical There are existing features (Hardware) in the market today to fully implement it in a practical way Commercial The high demand for this NEW technological proposal is properly identified
Investment comparative for “R&D” GENERAL ELECTRIC HEALTH CARE Year Business Volume (Millions of Dollars) “R&D” Estimated investment 2003 USD$10,200 USD$1,000 Millions 2004 USD$13,500 2005 USD$15,200 General Electric Health Care (Reports 2005/2006)
2008 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diagnosis market USD$1,900 Millions Estimated Value of NMR Equipment market in the USA USD$1,900 Millions "Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Equipment: A Global Strategic Business Report“ Published by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.
World market for radiation Therapy equipment Number of Companies Estimated Average Production Estimated selling price Estimated market value 4 400 USD$4MM a USD$7MM USD$2 Billions USD$2.8 Billions Amersham Health (2004)
Annual expenditure in Treatment Total Annual Expenditure HIV/Aids market only for USA Pacient Number Annual expenditure in Treatment Total Annual Expenditure (MILLIONS) 1,000,000 USD$20,000
Contact Lázaro Eusebio Hernández Pérez President and Legal Representative for MRI-DT, S.A. de C.V. Phone: 011 (52) (55) 5588 3937 Mobile phone: 011 (52) 1 (55) 2970 5004 Email: Web page: