Summer challenge 2016 Y7 2. 3. 4. Your task is to complete all 10 of the challenges. Stick a photo into the box or describe your challenge followed by an adult’s signature. Build a den Camp out in a tent Find a conker tree Walk up the Wrekin Take a scenic photograph Walk across the Ironbridge Help an old person Cook a meal for your family Read 3 books Go on a bike ride 1. 5. 6. 7. Return your completed challenge sheets to your Academic HoH by Friday 9th September. 8. 9. 10.
Summer challenge 2016 Y8 2. 3. 4. Your task is to complete all 10 of the challenges. Stick a photo into the box or describe your challenge followed by an adult’s signature. Build a den Camp out in a tent Find a conker tree Walk up the Wrekin Take a scenic photograph Walk across the Ironbridge Help an old person Cook a meal for your family Read 4 books Go on a bike ride 1. 5. 6. 7. Return your completed challenge sheets to your Academic HoH by Friday 9th September. 8. 9. 10.
Summer challenge 2016 Y9 2. 3. 4. Your task is to complete all 10 of the challenges. Stick a photo into the box or describe your challenge followed by an adult’s signature. Bake a cake Camp out in a tent Run 5k Walk up the Wrekin Take a scenic photograph Walk across the Ironbridge whilst eating an ice cream Help an old person Cook a 2 course meal for your family Read 5 books Go on a bike ride 1. 5. 6. 7. Return your completed challenge sheets to your Academic HoH by Friday 9th September. 8. 9. 10.
Summer challenge 2016 Y10 2. 3. 4. Your task is to complete all 10 of the challenges. Stick a photo into the box or describe your challenge followed by an adult’s signature. Bake a cake Camp out in a tent Run 10k Walk up the Wrekin Take a scenic photograph Walk across the Ironbridge whilst eating an ice cream Help an old person Cook a 3 course meal for your family Read 7 books Complete 5 chores for your carers. 1. 5. 6. 7. Return your completed challenge sheets to your Academic HoH by Friday 9th September. 8. 9. 10.
Academic Challenges We also need you to make sure you are on top of your studies so your teachers have selected some extra reading and research tasks for you to complete over the summer. You will need your planner to note which subjects you will need to cover. You must display evidence of you completing this work again to you Academic HoH by the 9th September. The links for you to access will be available on the school website and a text and email will be sent to parents to help you. Your parents will be texted today to inform them of these plans. Good luck!