Respecting (In)Visible Differences Grade 3 Health Unit 3 Understanding Healthy Relationships
Healthy Living In Grade 3, the units in Health are: Factors Impacting Healthy Decision-Making Personal Health and Safety Understanding Healthy Relationships
Unit 3 (May-June) Understanding Healthy Relationships Healthy Relationships + Relationship Challenges Respecting (In)Visible Differences Physical and Emotional Development Healthy Relationships + Development
2. Respecting (In)Visible Differences describe how visible differences and invisible differences make each person unique, and identify ways of showing respect for differences in others
Respecting (In)Visible Differences Let’s examine similarities and differences each of us has. Stand up if say “yes” to each of these questions: Are you 8 years old? Are you wearing running shoes? Do you like baseball? Do you have freckles? Do you have brown eyes?
Respecting (In)Visible Differences What other differences and similarities are there amongst you? Family composition Culture Occupation Other?
Respecting (In)Visible Differences Sometimes we are different in ways you can see, such as hair colour, facial features, and physical aids. Sometimes we are different in ways you cannot see, such as how we learn, what we think, and what we are able to do. What are some examples of things that make each person unique?
Respecting (In)Visible Differences ● Eye colour ● Skin colour ● Hair colour ● Facial features ● Body size and shape ● Physical aids ● Physical abilities ● Clothing ● Possessions ● Learning abilities ● Skills and talents ● Personal and cultural values and beliefs ● Gender identity ● Sexual orientation ● Family background ● Personal preferences ● Allergies and sensitivities
Respecting (In)Visible Differences Everyone is unique and deserves respect. What is respect? What does respect look like? What does respect sound like? What does respect feel like?
Respecting (In)Visible Differences “I will be a role model and show respect for differences by…”
Respecting (In)Visible Differences Interview a partner: How old are you? What colour are your eyes? What colour is your hair? What is your favourite food? What do you like to do for fun? What is one thing that makes you unique? Write a synopsis about your partner using the information learned during your interview.
Respecting (In)Visible Differences Every day I ride my bike to school – my favourite physical activity. My bike is perfect size for 8 year olds like me! I like to feel the wind blow through my red hair, and I watch where I bright green eyes. After my bike ride to school, I’m usually a bit hungry so I eat my favourite snack – a homemade granola bar my dad made for me. Want to know a secret? I have a scar on my stomach because I got my appendix out when I was 7. Who am I?
Respecting (In)Visible Differences We will display these synopses around the room so we all can see that everyone is different and unique, and this is what makes you special.